
Rivers Political Crisis: Alh. Yakubu Madaki Sues For Peace

Elder statesman and one of the founding members (pioneer) of Arewa Community in South-South geo-political zone, Alh. Yakubu Madaki has called for an end to the wrangling among political gladiators in Rivers State.

The monarch who has lived in the state for decades made the call while chatting with newsmen in his Port Harcourt office.

Alh. Madaki said Rivers people are very peace-loving citizens of this country and deserve peace and all the best life can offer because of their God-given resources and economic endowments.

The royal father described the political crisis in the state as worrisome as it affects both indigenes and those living and doing business in the state all of whom are stakeholders.

As a traditional ruler, elder statesman and devout Muslim, Alh. Madaki said it behooves on him and other royal fathers to broker peace among warring factions so that there will be order and continuity in good governance to the people.

“Ours is to make peace and offer useful advice when necessary. We are not politicians, it is on this note, a calling on all the factions to prevail on their supporters to shield their sword and resolve their differences peacefully”, Alh. Madaki stated.

Alh. Madaki also commended the peaceful disposition of His Excellency, Sir Siminalayi Fubara, governor of Rivers State.

He pleaded with governor Fubara to continue to play the role of a peacemaker for which he is loved and appreciated by Rivers people and Nigerians, saying that he (Fubara) has written his name in gold for his peaceful nature.

The monarch pledged the support and co-operation of his kinsmen resident in Rivers State and the entire Arewa Community with the state government and all the progressive forces in the state to move the state forward and to ensure there is relative peace and respect for the laws of the land.

Recall that Alh. Yakubu Madaki once served under Prof G. Tasie on one of the commissions set up by the state government for the growth and development of the state. Alh. Madaki said the continued progress and undisrupted peace in Rivers State is his fervent prayer because what affects Rivers State affects all the people and Nigeria at large irrespective of tribe, religion, party affiliation, etc.

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