
Address Of The Chairman Of The Rivers State Primary Healthcare Management 

“I stand here on behalf of the Rivers State Primary Health Care Management Board, which is responsible for all Primary Healthcare Centres in the State and which will be responsible for this Centre from today.

As we take over this Centre, we will now take responsibility for it. It is the Board that will manage here. It is the Board that will provide anything that is not fully ready. It is the Board that will supervise the system.

I want you people to understand the importance of this, so that when you have challenges (with the operations of this center), it is the Board that you will go to.

Haven said that, I want to particularly thank this Chairman (Dame Hon. Anengi Barasua Claude-Wlicox, DSSRS, JP), for what she has done. It is not easy to do this kind of project.

 There are 23 Local Government Councils in the State, this is the first from the beginning to the end that is done by a Council Chairman (first time for a Council Chairman in Rivers State to build, equip and handover a Primary Healthcare Centre to the Board), and I want to take pride in it as a woman….

You can also see that we have a female Commissioner for Health, you will see what will happen here (in reference to the Greens Iwoama Health Center).

I also want to say that the Executive Secretary of the Primary Healthcare Management Board is here, and because he is here, seeing first hand what is happening here, anything that is not here, we will immediately write it down and take action.

Without using much time, I will like to advice the entire community that a facility is only alive when a community uses it; so please use this facility.

 When women are pregnant, they should come here and register, when children needs immunisation, they should come here and get it, when men are sick, they should come here, because some people think that Health Centre is only for women and children. Men please come here when you are sick.

We will do all that is within our power, thank God the Commissioner is here to make sure that the appropriate staff that you require, will be provided for you here.

I want the deepest of gratitude to go to the Governor of Rivers State ( His Excellency, Ama-opusenibo, Sir Siminalayi Fubara, GSSRS).

Like we say, he makes most things possible. So be grateful to him for your Chairman who is here, be grateful to him for the Commissioners who are here, and be grateful to him because whatever is required here, he will ensure that they are provided.  God bless all the Greens Iwoama and Bonny people.-”

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