
10 Years After:  Another Fury Of Floods Hits ONELGA

…As Bro. Felix Obuah Provides Succour

It was ten years ago, that is, October, 2012 that Nigeria experienced the worst flooding in 40 years, with 1.44 million people displaced and 30 out of 36 states, including Abuja affected.

Neither the victims nor the government took precaution, despite repeated warnings by the Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NiMet).

Ogba/Egbema/ Ndoni Local Government Area of Rivers State was one of the worst hit in that 2012 flooding as the entire Usomini, Omoku, Obrikom, parts of Egi, Egbema and Ndoni communities were submerged.  Then in 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2020, flooding came and still did not spare the areas.

While many homes were battling to recover from the damages (as the marks left by the receding waters were still visible), another October is here in year 2022 and the story is flood, flood and flood.

At the last count, all communities mostly located along the oak banks of Orashi River and its tributaries, located in Abua/Odual, Ahoada-East, Ahoada-West and Ogba/Egbema/Ndoni local government areas of the State are on the verge of being submerged.

With trouser folded, Bro Obuah and friends watches the rise of the flood

In Ogba/Egbema/Ndoni local government area alone, over 20 communities have been submerged by the flood, with bridges, farms and schools covered by water.

It was further observed that the ravaging flood had forced residents of the communities, who are predominantly farmers, to harvest their cassava and other farm products prematurely.

In Ogbaland, communities like Oboburu, Idu-Osobile, Idu-Obosiukwu, Obigbor, Kriegani, Aligwu, Agbogwe, Usomini-Omoku, Obieti 1 and Ebeocha have been sacked by the fiery flood.

Chairman of Ogba/Egbema/Ndoni Local Government Area, Hon. Vincent Job, while addressing journalists on Monday, commiserated with victims, and lamented that several farmlands were washed away by the flood, adding that the ugly development was a threat to food security, in view of the agricultural potential of the affected communities.

The Clarion Hotels Donated by Obuah as one of the IDP camps

He appealed to the relevant authorities to do all within their powers to address the issues by coming to the aid of the affected victims, adding that most of them lost their farmlands and households.

But worthy of note is the role of Bro. Felix Obuah, former Chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party in the State, who despite being badly affected by the flood has been lending helping hands to other victims.

The opulent Krisdera Hotels of the Mba Anabara Agu 1 of Orashi Region and former Sole Administrator of the Rivers State Waste Management Agency (RIWAMA) was not spared by the flood even as his residence along Ikiri Road, also known as ‘Uwhesi’ was also affected.

This man is the bewildered as flood has forced him to remind indoor

Some video footages which has gone viral on the social media, shows Bro. Felix Obuah wearing shorts and wading through some flooded homes of residents. 

True to his humane disposition, Bro. Obuah was also seen helping to move furniture and other belongings of victims and offering words of comfort that the storm would soon be over. 

His words, “Be comforted because this is natural disaster that will occur when it will occur. Be rest assured that God will intervene”.

In yet another trending video on many social platforms, Bro. Obuah is seen helping out with frying garri, apparently for some flood victims who are trapped and could not leave their flooded homes to fetch some food.

Residence of the Eze of Idu-Obosiukwu community

On Monday, October 10, 2022 Bro. Obuah in fulfillment of his promise to help the victims by providing four IDP camps, donated one of his hotels, Clarion Hotels, located at Okposi as well as one of his business premises as camp for the Internally Displaced Persons (IDP).

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