
OPTRACON Insists On Indigenous Company For Oil Exploration, Production In Ogoni

…Enlivens  Ogoni Bill Of Rights

The Ogoni Oil Producing Communities Council of Traditional Rulers says Ogoni Royal Resources and Energy Limited (OGRRE) with its foreign partners, Geoplex Drilltex Incorporated remains their only choice company that can explore, extract and produce oil and gas and any other natural resources in Ogoni Oil.

The body (OPTRACON) made their stand known at the end of its quarterly meeting held Wednesday, July 24, 2024 at the palace of the Gbenemene Tai Kingdom and Paramount Ruler, Kpite Tai.

The traditional rulers of the Oil Bearing Communities also want the unbounding of the oil field, OMLII faster-tracked and made a separate block by whatever name called with the mining lease issued to Ogoni Royal Resources and Energy Limited and its financial and technical partners.

While enjoinging all Ogoni sons and daughters to close ranks and join force for the overall development of Ogoniland, the traditional rulers also took exception to the alleged insults and aspersions hailed at the Ogoni people by the managing director of the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC), Dr. Samuel Igboku.

Dr. Igboku was said to have referred to Ogoni as not producing oil and as such should not expect anything from the NDDC.

On the path to achieve their collective desire of speedy development of Ogoni and demarginalization of the region, the traditional rulers passed a vote of confidence in the “Ogoni Economic Rebirth Project (OGERP),” which according to them has its umbilical cord linked to the concept of resource control being the import of Ogoni Bill of Rights (OBR), and urged all Ogoni kits and kins to key into the vision body.

“We stand on the Ogoni Bill of Rights enacted in the year 1990 and submitted by our forebears to the Federal Government of Nigeria which advocate the right to the control and use of a fair proportion to Ogoni economic resources for Ogoni development”, they declared.

Earlier in his welcome address, the president of Ogoni Oil Bearing Communities, Chief Donald K. Gberesuu had appealed that the Supreme Council of Ogoni, under the co-ordination of Chief Samuel Nneh should come together to deliver sound leadership to the Ogonis as usual with the need to review and consider the inclusion of all paramount rulers as members for adequate representation. The Oil Producing Communities Council of Traditional Rulers also took a detour to thank President Bola Tinubu for getting the contractor handling the Eleme Junction/Onne Junction axis of the East-West Road back to site, but appealed that the contractor be advised to expedite action on the completion of the road.

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