
Obuah  Launches Abuja 2024 Joint Flood Assessment Programme

On May 21, 2024, the Abuja Metropolitan Management Council (AMMC) formally kicked off its 2024 Joint Flood Assessment Program in the Lokogoma District of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT).

This initiative, led by AMMC Coordinator Bro. Felix Amechi Obuah, aims to address flooding issues and implement strategies to mitigate the impact on local residents.

The launch event was attended by key stakeholders, including Hon. Christopher Maikalangu, the Chairman of the Abuja Municipal Area Council.

 In his remarks, Bro. Obuah emphasized the importance of proactive measures and community involvement in tackling the challenges posed by flooding in the Lokogoma area.

He highlighted the collaborative efforts between various agencies and the local community as a crucial step in creating sustainable solutions.

Chairman Maikalangu echoed Obuah’s sentiments, expressing his council’s commitment to supporting initiatives that enhance the resilience of Lokogoma against flood risks.

He praised the AMMC’s efforts and stressed the need for continued cooperation and engagement with the residents.

The 2024 Joint Flood Assessment Program is a significant milestone in the ongoing efforts to safeguard Lokogoma and its citizens.

The comprehensive assessment aims to identify vulnerable areas, develop effective flood control measures, and ensure the safety and well-being of the community.

During the event, Bro. Obuah also shared exciting news about the approval for the construction of the Dogon-gada Road and Bridge project in the Lokogoma District.

This infrastructure development, championed by the hardworking FCT Minister, Chief Bar. E. N. Wike, is expected to greatly improve connectivity and provide much-needed relief to the residents.

The launch of the 2024 Joint Flood Assessment Program underscores the AMMC’s and the Abuja Municipal Area Council’s commitment to proactively addressing the flooding challenges faced by the Lokogoma community. This collaborative effort, coupled with the planned infrastructure development, demonstrates the local authorities’ dedication to enhancing the resilience and well-being of the residents.

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