
Police Burst Kidnapping Syndicate In Rivers

The Rivers State Police Command says it have uncovered a criminal syndicate that targets Bolt drivers for ritual killing and organ harvesting in the region.

Public Relations Officer of the Command, SP Grace Iringe Koko in a statement explained that the investigation was sparked by the disappearance of one driver, Oghenevwarhe Barry Akpobome, which led to the arrest and confession by 35-year-old Anthony Chima, a political science graduate from the Ignatius Ajuru University of Education.

The Police spokespersons disclosed that Chima in his confessional statemeht said he was recruited into a gang that specialized in luring bolt drivers into ambushes, stealing their vehicles, and ultimately murdering them for ritualistic purposes and organ harvesting. Chima revealed that he was brought into the fold by a friend, Amfoh Abu, who introduced him to the gang’s armourer, a man known as “Reason,” and the notorious ringleader, “General Effizy,” a prominent figure in the Greenland cult and a seasoned kidnapper.

Recounting how the bolt driver was murder, Chima(suspect) narrated that on that fateful day, he was summoned to Reason’s residence and instructed to call a driver whose number he had previously collected.

Chima in his testimony revealed that Posing as a passenger, he then lured the unsuspecting Uber driver to a remote area in Aminigboko, where he and Reason were met by General Effizy and four armed gang members.

SP Koko stated that Chima revealed that the driver was forcibly removed from the vehicle and taken to Effizy’s shrine, where he was bound, gagged, and ultimately murdered.

The Police Image Manager said  following Chima’s confession, the Police recovered the victim’s skull and a locally fabricated Beretta pistol from Effizy’s residence.

Meanwhile, the Rivers State Police Commissioner, Cp Tunji Disu, has advised both citizens and bolt drivers to exercise caution when boarding or transporting passengers, especially to remote or potentially dangerous areas. The spokesperson for the Rivers State Police Command added that investigation is ongoing, with the authorities still searching for the fleeing suspects and the suspect would be charged to court immediately.

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