Remarks Of Dr Adaeze Chidinma Oreh, Honourable Commissioner For Health Who Represented The Rivers State Governor, His Excellency, Amaopusenibo Sir Siminialayi Fubara, GSSRS

“This project is for the good of the people. This project will be enjoyed by not less than nine communities around Greens Iwoama community.
Take this project as your own project. The success of this project will rest on the fact that the community takes ownership of the project, sees it as their own project and value and cherish it.
On the part of the State Government, we will do all that is needful to ensure the functionality of this well meaning, grand initiative for the people of the grand Bonny Kingdom.
We have here, the Rivers State Primary Healthcare Management Board that will see to it that there is sufficient staffing and operations will commence for the good, health and wellbeing of the people of grand Bonny Kingdom.
As earlier said by the Vice Chairman (of Bonny LGA, Wariopusenibo Omoni Longjohn); before we came here, we passed through the Bonny General Hospital (inspection visit).
And Part of the functionality of any Primary Health Care Center is that when there are complications, there is somewhere that they can go.
I can assure you that we will be taking the neccesary actions to ensure that there is a quality referral centre for this Primary Health Care Center in a befitting Bonny General Hospital that will fit the Local Government and Local Governments surrounding Bonny.
Permit me to once again congratulate and commend the Executive Chairman of Bonny Local Government (Dame Hon Anengi Barasua Claude-Wilcox, DSSRS, JP) for not just this project but for the numerous people-centered and focused projects in alignment with His Excellency, Governor Siminialayi Fubara’s mantra of ‘People First’.
People first will always ensure that every project speaks to the needs of the people and succeeds for the growth of the people.
Congratulations, I commend you (referring to Madam Chairman), Congratulations to the people of Greens Iwoama and congratulations to the good people of Grand Bonny Kingdom. God bless you all.”