
Minama Community: King Iboroma Talbot Pokubo Still Remains Suspended – Chief Ege

…As Court Directs Iboroma To Respond To Appeal On His Suspension

As the dispute over the  suspension of the  Amanyanabo of Minama Community in Asari-Toru Local Government Area of Rivers State, HRH, King Iboroma Talbot Pokubo lingers, the Chairman of the Community and the Paramount Head of Ege group of Houses, Chief Grans Ege says the suspended Amanyanabo still remains suspended and cannot perform his duties as traditionally required until the subsisting case and charges against him are dispensed in the Court.

Chief Ibiyemiebara Oruye who on behalf of Chief Ege spoke to newsmen on the sidelines of the Court of Appeal in Port Harcourt on Tuesday, June 25,2024 said the explanation became necessary against the backdrop of rumours making the rounds that King Iboroma has been cleared of the charges against him.

According to Chief Oruye standing for the Chairman and the Paramount Head of Ege group of Houses and the entire Minama Community, all the rumours were being peddled by King Iboroma’s surrogates with no other intention but to deceive the people of Minama and the general public.

He said King Iboroma rather than show remorse for his unwholesome misconduct being the reason for his suspension and do what a lower court asked him to do, chose to toe the path of propaganda and influencing a section of the community whom he labelled Peace Committee to continue act in an unkingly and unacceptable manner with regard to the affairs of the Community and royalties from the companies operating in the Community for the people.

”Chief Ege , the Chairman and Paramount Head of the Community has the support and confidence of the people to proceed with the case in court until justice is not only done but also seen to have been done in the matter, Chief Ibiyemiebara Oruye declared.

He frowned on the continuous filing of new applications by the suspended Amanyanabo, describing it as a delay tactics. He reiterated their collective resolve to go on with the matter to its logical conclusion, adding that the Minama people cannot continue to be fooled.

Meanwhile, the matter has been adjourned to the 18th of November,2024, and King Iboroma remains suspended, Chief Oruye said. The court had dismissed the preliminary objection of King Iboroma against the appeal of Minama Community led by Chief Probyn  Grans Ege and directed that suspended King Iboroma’s Counsel to file his appeal against the cross appeal over his client’s suspension as Amanyanabo of Minama within seven days.

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