
Friday Nke-ee, No Match To Rt. Hon. Dum Dekor, KAGOTE President Declares

…Says ‘I Have Never Been Involved In Rigging, I Have A Name And Reputation To Protect’

The President of KAGOTE, Rt. Hon. Emmanuel Nwiika Deeyah has said that there is no basis for comparison between the personality of the Chairman of the House Committee on Host Communities in the House of Representatives, Rt. Hon. Dumnamene Robinson Dekor and the defeated Candidate of the Social Democratic Party (SDP), Mr. Friday Nke-ee, politically and otherwise.

Speaking to journalists in Port Harcourt in response to allegations of rigging the last supplementary election in Khana LGA to conclude the re-election of Rt. Hon. Dum Dekor to represent Khana/Gokana Federal Constituency in the House of Representatives for another term, the KAGOTE President condemned insinuations that last Saturday supplementary election was rigged in favour of Rt. Hon. Dum Dekor.

He said it is unfortunate that rather than accept defeat from Rt. Hon. Dum Dekor whom Khana and Gokana people voted for overwhelmingly, Mr. Nke-ee (also known as Fenko) is busy accusing everyone of rigging the election.

“In all my years of contesting elections, I have never been involved in rigging. I have a name and reputation to protect. So many young persons are looking up to me as a role model so I can never do any such thing, it is against the law”, Rt. Hon. Deeyah said.

The KAGOTE President described as foolhardy, any attempt to equate Rt. Hon. Dum Dekor’s impact on Ogoni people whom he has faithfully represented in all capacities, to the person of Friday Nke-ee.

“Let’s be honest about whatever we do. What are the political offices that Fenko has held compared to Rt. Hon. Dum Dekor? It doesn’t happen by error and it is no magic. It’s your character and your person. It’s about the individual. 

Dekor has been a member of the Rivers State House of Assembly where he was Deputy Speaker.  He has also been a Commissioner”, Deeyah pointed out, and again asked: “What are the offices Fenko has held?

Rt. Hon. Emmanuel Deeyah reaffirmed that Rt. Hon. Dum Dekor has used the several offices he has occupied to touch the lives of Ogoni people.

“I remember talking to my good friend, the Gbenemene, and Kasimene VII of Bangha Kingdom, Ogoniland, His Royal Majesty, Mene (King) Dr. Suanu Baridom who was full of praises for Hon Dum Dekor for giving portable drinking water to his community. My friend, the Royal Majesty told me quite frankly that as a traditional ruler, he would not canvass votes for any candidate or political party but said his people had to vote massively for Rt. Hon. Dum Dekor because he has not only represented them very well at the National Assembly, but he ensured that they enjoyed quality drinking water”, he said.

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