
Chief Eze And The Sad Realities Of Idleness In Old Age

We read with huge laughter, the latest drivel published by Chief Eze Chukwuemeka Eze captioned in his usual verbose style and titled:

“Eze to Wike on IPOB: Your bizarre propaganda against Amaechi is ill-conceived, wicked, sad, unfortunate & diabolic.. Reminds Governor of how he used IPOB mob to win 2015, 2019 elections… Says it’s illogical to claim same IPOB which attacked Amaechi in foreign land now works for him.”

Truth be told, the entire article, from beginning to end is just, plain, tired, over flogged, incoherent garbage. His anger is that Governor Nyesom Wike, during a recent AIT Television Interview, accused Transportation Minister, Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi, as the political figure behind the Oyigbo carnage by IPOB, in which 10 police and Army officers were killed and Chief Eze described Governor Wike’s comment; “as a mountain of illusion merely palpitating in the web of debacle”.

I mean, who uses this kind of language anymore in this day and age? This is actually the kind of archaic, stone age language that the #EndSARS protesters were even protesting against; the language of old men who still want to feel relevant and confuse the youths with their analogue thinking and grammar in an age when the world has gone digital. What a pity.

One thing that has become obvious when reading Chief Eze’s ‘goobledegook’ to borrow one of his own ancient vocabularies, is that the old man appears to wake up periodically in a time loop firmly located in a past era when Rotimi Chibuike Amaechi was Governor of Rivers State and then launches himself into whatever topic is trending, with scant knowledge or understanding of the realities of his present situation.

So, to jog his memory a bit and rouse his obvious dementia, we refer to an excerpt from his convoluted headline which reads;…”Reminds Governor (Wike) of how he used IPOB mob to win 2015, 2019 elections…” and ask him how exactly did Governor Wike use the “IPOB Mob” to win two consecutive elections back to back convincingly and comprehensively.

The only answer is that the Igbo community in Rivers State, which IPOB erroneously claims to represent, voted massively for Governor Wike in the two elections and the Rivers Governor, like the true statesman and leader he is, has always acknowledge this, even in his recent meeting with the leaders of the non-indigenes community in Rivers State, on Monday, November 2nd, 2020.

Let us equally remind Chief Eze Chukwuemeka Eze, in case he has deliberately decided to forget, that this same Igbo community, which he describes as “IPOB Mob”, also voted massively for Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi for Governor by proxy as a PDP Candidate in 2007 and directly and even more emphatically in 2011, when interestingly, Chief Barr. Ezebunwo Nyesom Wike was the Director-General of the campaign Council that delivered his victory.

As for Oyigbo, it’s important to inform and educate Chief Chukwuemeka Eze of the criminal activities and menace of IPOB in that local government area, as it’s hoodlums hijacked a peaceful #EndSARS protest in Rivers State, to wreck havoc and destruction on the community.

For starters, the Federal Government had declared the Indigenous Peoples of Biafra (IPOB) a terrorist, seperatists group and Governor Wike reinforced the proscription, yet the outlawed group went ahead and killed 6 soldiers, 4 policemen and burnt down all police stations and court buildings in Oyigbo.

The security agencies and indeed most Rivers people are aware that IPOB has also used Oyigbo as a launching ground for its nefarious activities, but because they had not been called to order over the years, they now made the unfortunate attempt to rename a local government in Rivers State, in clear disregard and  contravention of a supreme court ruling and the declaration of the Federal boundary adjustment commission.

As at today, Oyigbo, despite the massive influx of Nigerians from neighbouring states, especially Abia, is a legally certified, bonafide local government amongst the 23 LGAs in Rivers State and under the protective authority and administration of Governor Nyesom Ezenwo Wike.

Oyigbo indigenes, naturalized and settlers are full fledged Rivers people and the Local Government has a member representing the area in the Rivers State House of Assembly and not in another state, yet the audacity of IPOB in Rivers State was revealed, when security agencies during their search of some residents in Oyigbo, saw shrines with IPOB flags and the photographs of their fugitive leader Nnamdi Kanu which sent out the red signal that, if IPOB is allowed to continue to operate from Oyigbo, it will soon overrun the State.

IPOB even hoisted it’s seperatist flag in Komkom town in Oyigbo; an audacious indication that it had annexed the town like Boko Haram did in some parts of the North and Intelligence reports also revealed that the Ikokwu area of the state capital, was host to a lot of IPOB illegal cells which prompted the decision to impose a curfew on that axis.

The fact remains that even the Governors of the South-East, where IPOB claims to draw their strength, have never supported the group and even asked the Federal Government to legalize it’s proscription, so why should a Governor from the Niger Delta tolerate IPOB?

Even the Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi who many Rivers people, including Chief Eze Chukwuemek Eze know so well, would never have allowed this deliberate effrontery and impunity in any of his local government areas, when he was Governor of Rivers State. That of course may have been the reason why IPOB attacked him in Spain, because they know him well.

It is also germane to point out here that just days after disgracefully embarrassing and making a fool of himself by openly rejecting a gift from Governor Nyesom Wike under a spurious excuse of impassable roads and the, unfounded allegation that the Governor says “he does not even know me from Adam”, Hon. Promise Chisom Dike, member representing Tai, Eleme, Oyigbo Federal constituency in the National Assembly, decamped from the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP to the All Progressives Congress, APC, in September, 2020.

Addressing only his Igbo supporters in flawless Igbo language, in a Federal constituency he represents, that also has Tai and Eleme constituents, on the day of his decamping, his words, as captured on video, were very explicit and instructive. He said: “We have to tell the the whole state and Oyigbo people that we are the people that make things happen in this local government. Let us go and join our brothers in APC. They are young people like us so let us go and collaborate with them…” 

He has moved with his over 5, 000 supporters to APC and we all know who the maximum leader and dictator of the party is in Rivers State. It is also important to point out that these are the same people IPOB claims to be representing and in whose name and agenda “to make things happen”, that Soldiers and Policemen were killed and Courts and police stations were burnt down by IPOB. So when Governor Wike accuses the Transportation Minister of being behind the unrest and carnage in Oyigbo, the facts on ground support him completely.

As for Governor Nyesom Wike’s rising political profile, only a demented old psychophant, who has been living in a time loop since 2015, will claim that he is not aware of the burgeoning pedigree of the Rivers State Governor, who has emerged in the last five years, as the only Governor who speaks the minds and voices the expectations and desires of the people. He has transformed from “Mr. Projects” to become the peoples Governor and a champion of the South South and the new slogan from Rivers State to virtually all parts of Nigeria is that: “Wike is Working and Winning.”

By the way, just in case Chief Eze Chukwuemeka Eze is not aware, 5, 000 jobs for Rivers youths are coming, civil servants in the state have started enjoying the consequential adjustments of the new minimum wage, the Rivers State Cassava processing company is already running and ready to employ over 3, 000 Rivers youths and provide a solid platform for hundreds of sideline medium/small entrepreneurs, the Real  Madrid football Academy has also advertised for massive recruitment in academic and non-academic staff positions.

The state owned farms and assets are all up for concessioning  with thousands of jobs already bookmarked for Rivers youths. The formalities for the Water Resources project which will upgrade 496 kilometres of pipeline and produce 330,000 cubic litres of potable water per day, has been done and dusted and would create 1,200 direct jobs and over 5,000 indirect jobs.

And here’s the icing on the cake; the commissioning of the legacy flyovers will commence from November 7, 2020, with the Rebisi (Garrison) flyover, thus fulfilling Governor Nyesom Wike’s promise of delivering them by the end of the year. Governor Wike has also redeemed the N200 million Naira pledge he made to the family and children of the 10 soldiers and policemen killed by IPOB and confirmed that he will rebuild all the burnt police stations and courts to standard levels just like everything he builds.

Old, sleepy, outdated folks like Chief Eze Chukwuemeka Eze who are still living in the past, should wake up and smell the coffee and accept the fact that Governor Nyesom Ezenwo Wike is the man and leader at the forefront of leading Rivers State, the South South region and indeed Nigeria to a new dawn and glorious future for our youths and our people.

We at Rivers Patriotic Front are indeed proud of our leader, Nyesom Ezenwo Wike.


Ekine James

President, Rivers Patriotic Front

Johnbull Jenson

Rivers Patriotic Front

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