
Christians Advised To Imbibe, Exhibit Practical Christianity

…As G.O Launches Books On Witchcraft 

Christians have been advised to imbibe and exhibit the attitude of practical Christianity at all times, by so doing others would be attracted and converted to God.

Delivering his sermon in a special thanksgiving service over the weekend, the general overseer of De-God’s Will Mega Ministry, Rumunduru Community in Obio/Akpor Local Government Area of Rivers State, Apostle (Dr) Vincent Onyekwere Onyensotaibe said practical Christianity has to do with three functional areas including daily remembering of the less-privileged in the society; supporting the work of God always as well as being a source of somebody’s happiness at any point in time.

Taking his text from St. John gospel, chapter 12 vs 20 -26, the man of God said and illustrated that something has to be planted and die from someone for the seed to grow out and multiply.

“If our lives depend on God as we believed, then let something come out of your body, fall off and die for it to multiply and benefit others,” he declared.

Dr. Onyenasotaibe made it known that if one uses his/her resources to make his/her fellow beings cry or mourn instead of joy and happiness, God Almighty will not be happy with that fellow too, advising the congregation to endeavour to be a source of happiness to their generation.

The church used the opportunity to observe the 2021 Annual Harvest Thanksgiving Service to God which included touching testimonies from some of the elated members.

Earlier, Evangelist Chinedu Isiguzo had led the congregation in intercessory prayer points where he reminded them of the promises of God in Isaiah 43 which He said “Behold I will do a new thing for the church and the members”.

The chancellor and president of the Vision Theological College and Seminary Education, Aba, Abia State, Very Revd. (Prof.) Franklin Ikechukwu Obasi also used the opportunity of the thanksgiving service to present the award of doctor of divinity to the General Overseer; decorated him with the academic gown as well as presentation of the doctoral degree certificate while the excited congregation cheered.

The chancellor explained that “Apostle Onyenasotaibe has completed his course work and earned the terminal degree in Theology and Divinity having been found worthy in character and learning,” he said.

He described the G.O. as a humble, calm, calculated and hardworking scholar who is curious to learn, adding that the young man will go places. He also used the chance to advice men of God who said they are called to undergo training for proficiency sake.

The excited celebrant whose call is to deliver those in captivity thanked God for the enablement to achieve the feat, explaining that what they are indeed celebrating is just the grace of God through his own determination and raw courage.

The church General Overseer also used the opportunity for the public presentation of his three books derived from his thesis.

The books includes “Deliverance from marine witchcraft; Deliverance from Ancestral witchcraft and Exposing the mystery of witchcraft.

Over (N2m) Two Million Naira was realized from the book launch.

Highlights of the event were the degree certificate presentation, cutting of the thanksgiving cake by the G.O. family and well-wishers, as well as rendition by the choristers and the testimonies shared by members.


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