
Nigerians Set For Generational Change – Cleric

The Rivers State Coordinator of the Initiative For Better and Brighter Nigeria (IBBN), Pastor Amb. Ekiye C. Ekiye has stated that despite the mindset of the two major political parties in the country, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and the All Progressive Congress (APC), the citizens are set to make a generational change with their votes come next year’s general election.

Fielding questions from newsmen over the weekend in Port Harcourt, Pastor Ekiye said his group is favourably disposed to a competent youthful leader with new ideas and is ready to campaign for such a person to rescue the country from total collapse, as according to him “virtually all sectors of the country is in shamble”.

He stated this when the support group of Prof. Christopher Imumolem, the Accord Party Presidential candidate visited the IBBN group.

On the delegate system of primary election to elect political candidates, the clergyman said the system should be condemned entirely, stressing that monetization of primaries is bad and dangerous.

According to him, “if we want to fix Nigeria, money politics should be deemphasized. Money should not be the focus but capacity of candidates to deliver,” he said.

He made it clear that the delegate system ordinarily should not be a challenge but that because the political class especially those of the PDP and APC intentionally brought jobless and hungry Nigerians who are members of their political parties that are looking for opportunity to survive because of the economic hardship in the country and as such it became very easy and lucrative for them to accept any kind of financial inducement to support any and any how aspirant.

Ekiye who is the lead Pastor of AgapeLove Community Church, Port Harcourt pointed out that Prof. Imumolem, a youthful Director of multi-National companies and proprietor of about six universities across the African continent with records of philanthropy is the kind of digital leader Nigeria needs at this point in time if the stakeholders are sincere to get it right this time around.

On the search for a running mate or vice president slot for the presidential candidates, he advised them to consider every aspect before arriving at a decision. “I hope that the kind of VP the presidential candidates will choose will reflect and accommodate the reality in the country especially the major religion and the North/South power sharing principle if they want to succeed,” he said.

“A running mate he pointed out, who believes in the ideology of emancipating the Nigerian people from the shackle of poverty and insecurity, should be considered”.

On the zoning principle of political positions, Pastor Ekiye said he is however not favourably disposed to the system but competence. “Zoning is not constitutional but is necessary for fairness, equity and justice,” he said.

He pointed out however, that “In fairness, if the Northern part of Nigeria believes that there should be power rotation to accommodate eligible and competent Southern Nigerians to also serve as a president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, that will be wonderful because it will promote National Political, democratic unity and equity”.

While expressing optimism for the country, to bunce back Ekiye advised the Nigerian citizens to emulate the Accord political party by going for a youthful, energetic and competent candidate who is visionary to fix the country’s numerous problems.

The man of God prophesied that the 2023 general election will be a turning point for the country, adding that the massive mobilization of the electorates for the PVCs registration and creation of awareness for them to ensure they participate in the process is an indication of his hope and belief.

The IBBN stated coordinator however, listed out condition for the group to throw its weight fully behind any presidential candidate to include “divine revelation from our leader and visioneer Dr. Isa Ebuba as well as one who truly love Nigeria as a nation irrespective of tribe and religion”.

On the incessant killings of Christians over allegation of blasphemy of prophet Muhammed, Pastor Ekiye said the development is worrisome and should be condemned by every right thinking human beings.

He made it known that the message of Christianity and true Islam is that of peace and love.

“And so anyone who kills in the name of Islam or Allah is not a true Muslim and such killers should be treated as murders by the law. Religion should not be put before the law. He added that security agencies should be  proactive in their action to stem the killings and kidnappings.

He lamented however, that it is obvious that the security situation in the country has failed woefully and needs urgent and divine intervention.

Pastor Ekiye used the opportunity to commend the effort of the General Overseer of the Omega Power Ministry, (OPM) Church, Apostle Chibuzor Chinyere towards the rehabilitation of the religious victims.

He said however that the G.O’s gesture is one among what other church leaders have also been doing for the oppressed and less privileged in the society.

Asked to proffer solution on the situation, the man of God listed them to include continuous prayer for divine intervention, intentional internal security measures and security agencies living up to their responsibility by stepping up effort.

He also advocated for worshippers (Christians or Muslims) to carry arms and defend themselves in the face of such unnecessary provocations.

“We should be conscious of our environment even as we rely on prayers as our revenge mechanism”, he declared.

He used the opportunity to once more appeal to the electorates to go out and get their Permanent Voter’s Cards (PVCs) and also resist the temptation of selling them but to vote their conscience with it at the polls.  

He also advised them to continually pray for a peaceful and transparent electoral process especially in Rivers State in order to promote national unity and development.


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