
Port Harcourt’s Tourism Reboot Sparks Excitement As RSTDA Partners with Mayor Of Housing

The Rivers State Tourism Development Agency (RSTDA) has taken a significant step towards rejuvenating the tourism and entertainment sectors by sealing a partnership with the Mayor of Housing, My-Ace China.

This collaboration aims to restore confidence in Port Harcourt’s economy and enhance the ease of doing business (EoDB) in the region.

This strategic partnership was solidified following the Rivers State Economic and Investment Summit, which concluded on May 23, 2024.

The initiative was unveiled during an event at the GRA, where the Director-General of the RSTDA, Mr. Yibo Koko, introduced the “Low Hanging Fruits Initiative.

“This initiative aims to leverage readily available advantages to kickstart economic growth.

Mr. Koko highlighted the contributions of My-Ace China, CEO of Housing and Construction Limited, who has shown considerable commitment to this cause.

Additionally, several banks have expressed interest in collaborating with the RSTDA to fulfill the objectives set by the Sir Sim Fubara administration in the tourism sector.

“Tourism has the potential to revive our economy, as it has done in the past when Port Harcourt was a leader in entertainment and tourism,” said Mr. Koko.

He emphasized the importance of reversing the negative online reputation that has plagued the state. “AI algorithms often pick up negative news about Rivers State, which tarnishes our image. We need to promote the many positive developments happening here.”

The recent Economic Summit underscored the renewed focus on tourism, with Mr. Koko praising the Mayor of Housing’s contributions.

“The Governor’s positive outlook is creating a ripple effect on the creative economy and among young people,” he noted.

The RSTDA’s plan to harness low-hanging fruits with support from the Mayor of Housing is central to this strategy.

My-Ace China shared his enthusiasm for the partnership, recounting his initial experiences in Port Harcourt. “When I first wanted to expand my business here in 2021, I was warned about the city’s supposed instability.

 However, upon arriving, I discovered a peaceful, hospitable, and vibrant city with immense potential.”

Mr. China detailed his journey of overcoming the city’s negative image and highlighted the abundance of opportunities in Port Harcourt.

“Despite the initial negative perceptions, I found that Port Harcourt offered untapped potential in various sectors, including housing and entertainment.

By staging significant events and supporting the local comedy industry, I aimed to shift the narrative and showcase the city’s true potential.”

He emphasized the importance of media visibility and positive storytelling to counteract the negative perceptions. “Good news must be told repeatedly to overshadow bad news.

We have initiated competitions among local journalists to promote positive news about Rivers State.”

The Mayor of Housing’s efforts have already borne fruit, earning him accolades such as the “Hero of Development” from the Alesa Eleme youths.

His commitment to corporate social responsibility (CSR) has made a tangible difference in the community.

Looking ahead, Mr. China underscored the importance of consistent and positive messaging to attract investors and tourists. “We need to actively promote the positive aspects of Rivers State to change the algorithm in our favor.

By working together, we can reposition Port Harcourt as a leading destination for tourism and investment.”

The RSTDA and the Mayor of Housing are determined to reshape the narrative of Rivers State, highlighting its potential and creating a conducive environment for economic growth and development.

As these efforts gain momentum, the citizens of Port Harcourt can look forward to a revitalized city that celebrates its rich culture, attracts global attention, and fosters a thriving economy.

 The positive changes underway signal a bright future for the Garden City, marking the beginning of a new chapter in its storied history.

Governor Fubara has declared Rivers State open for business, and the partnership between the RSTDA and the Mayor of Housing is set to lead this charge.

With a shared vision and collaborative efforts, Port Harcourt is poised to reclaim its status as a vibrant hub for tourism and entertainment, moving away from its past image of political instability.

The RSTDA and the Mayor of Housing are determined to reshape the narrative of Rivers State, highlighting its potential and creating a conducive environment for economic growth and development.

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