
Pentecost Week: Sirawoo Tasks Church On Teen Pregnancies

Piqued by the unpleasant consequences of unwanted pregnancies by young, unmarried girls, the Permanent Secretary in the Rivers State Ministry of Sports, Sir Honour Sirawoo has called on the church to champion the crusade against the ugly trend.

He said the church should be vigorous in condemning the act and sensitizing young girls that early and unwanted pregnancies not only stigmatize children born outside wedlock, but have resulted in deaths of young, unmarried girls, coupled with associated risks and vices as a result of lack of proper case of those children.

Sir Sirawoo who spoke at St. Luke’s Christ Army Church Nigeria (CACN), Kono Town, Khana Local Government Area, during the annual Pentecost Week of the church on Saturday, also condemned in strong terms the high rate of fornication amongst young boys and girls in the society.

He described teen pregnancies as a dangerous trend which has largely contributed to the high rate of social vices amongst youths.

Sir Sirawoo who also doubles as Chairman of Kono Apex Development Council (KADC) particularly lamented that the trend has become prevalent amongst young girls under 18 years.

He expressed sadness that these unmarried teenagers would be having as much as five children while still staying with their parents, adding that in most cases, they do not even know the fathers of those children.

Warning that a stitch in time, saves nine, Sir Sirawoo, who is also the National President of Sports Writers Association of Nigeria (SWAN) urged the church not to shirk from enthroning an orderly society, as it remains its social responsibility towards the people.

Sir Honour Sirawoo also commended the Pastor-in-charge of St. Luke’s Christ Army Church Nigeria, Kono Town, Pastor Jerry Needam for a good job in the Lord’s vineyard.

Noting that the servant of God and Publisher of National Network newspaper, has given the church a facelift, he urged him to keep up the tempo, while pledging his willingness to support God’s project with what he called his ‘widow’s mite’.


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