
Dr. Promise Nnodim Emerges New PTA Chairman In UISS

The Parents Teachers Association (PTA) of UNIPORT International Secondary School (UISS), Nkpulu-Oroworukwo, Port Harcourt City Local Government Area, has elected a new Chairman. He is Dr. Promise Nnodim.

The long awaited election which held at the school’s auditorium on Friday, August 5, 2022, also produced four unopposed officers to pilot the affairs of the association for the next two years.

The election turned out a smooth sail for Dr. Nnodim whose only opponent, Mr. Anthony Amadi dramatically stepped down after presenting his manifesto to the audience.

Buoyed by a standing ovation from the audience, Amadi said his decision was based on conviction that Nnodim poccessed the pedigree to do the job, saying it would only be proper to step down and give him the needed support to succeed.

Consequently, a motion from the floor nominating Amadi as Vice Chairman of the association, was roundly supported by both teachers and parents.

Other officers that were also elected unopposed were Madam Stella Akawusi – Secretary, Mrs. Nengi Ben-Peters – Treasurer and Ifeoma Juliet Joseph – Welfare Officer.

In her opening address, the Principal of the school, Mrs. Ngozi Eneachala commended parents and guardians for continually meeting up to responsibilities despite the unfavourable state of the nation’s economy.

She also thanked the teachers for steadfastly doing a good job but urged them not to rest on their oars as more is expected from them.

While formally declaring the close of the current academic session, Mrs. Eneachala announced that next session would resume on September 9, 2022 and pledged that management would continued to do its best to improve the standard of the school.

Earlier, while ushering in the Emmanuel Iwuala-led electoral committee, outgone Chairman of PTA, Mrs. Carol Baridon-Sika charged them to place the interest of the school above other considerations.

Represented by Mr. Atankere Otokwala, the outgone Chairman told the electoral body, “We don’t play politics here. All we ask you is to do what will advance the the growth of the school and make our children happy”.

In an acceptance speech made on behalf of the new executive, PTA Chairman, Dr. Promise Nnodim promised an inclusive governance to position the school to an enviable height.

To this end, Nnodim called on all parents and teachers to see themselves as exco members.

“Bring all your ideas to us, to grow and develop our school.

“In 6 months time, we shall get international donors to support our children”, he said, adding that the exco would constantly engage the authorities of UNIPORT to improve the UISS.

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