
Governor Nyesom Ezenwo Wike’s 2023 Budget Speech Presented to the Rivers State House of Assembly, 22nd November, 2022


It is a great pleasure to be here again to present the 2023 budget before this hallowed chamber. Incidentally, this is the last budget presentation I will be making before this House of Assembly as the Governor of Rivers State.

2. Let me first acknowledge the Almighty God for preserving our lives and seeing us through the 2022 fiscal year.

3. I also want to recognise the continued cooperation and support from Mr Speaker and the Members of the House and thank you again for your services to the people of Rivers State, especially in the most critical times.

4. Seven and half years ago, we articulated the New Rivers Vision action plan to drive our State’s development.

5. We relished the opportunity to lead the State at this time of its history and shared the prospects of our government with optimism.

6. We came into office at a time of great national economic difficulty, so much so that our predecessors even wondered where we could find the funds to pay the salaries of civil servants and execute development projects.

7. After suffering two recessions, made worse by low oil proceeds and a global coronavirus pandemic, the nation’s economy had remained in crisis.

8. As dependent entities, virtually all the States suffered greatly from the country’s poor economic returns, so much so that most were in arrears of salaries and had to depend on bailout funds from the Federal government to survive.

9. The dire national economic headwinds also impacted Rivers State.

10. But we faced the challenges with our thinking caps and found creative ways to bolster the State’s revenues to fund our development agenda.

11. In the face of poor national economic conditions, we were determined to deliver on our mandate and allow our results to define our legacy.

12. We remained focused and worked hard to deliver on all our commitments to the State with the resources we could muster.

13. We all know the state of the State in 2015 when we first came and the difference we made between then and now.

14. The truth is that we’ve delivered our priorities and are happy that we have taken our State to development heights no one ever imagined.

15. But, even as we advance to the end of our tenure, we promise to continue to deliver projects until our last day in the office.

16. This is why we have come to seek the House’s approval for our last budget estimates.

Review of 2022 budget performance

17. Mr Speaker, in 2022, the approved total budget of the State was N420, 485,053,736.00 only.

18. Out of this sum, recurrent expenditure was N142,776, 489,415.00 while capital expenditure was N305, 894,284,061.00.

19. By the end of October 2022, total revenue receipts stood at N321, 250,781,228.91, only about 70% performance.

20. The total receipts from internally generated revenue (IGR) was N112.099 billion. This represents 25% performance above the figure of 2021 for the same period but over 50% less than the projected sum for 2022.

21. The shortfall in IGR is attributed to our inability to collect the projected proceeds from value-added tax following the stay of execution ordered by the Court of Appeal, which we have appealed to the Supreme Court.

22. Furthermore, augmentation from the Federal Government accounts for the nominal increase recorded in the allocations from the Federation Account Allocation Committee (FAAC). In other words, the 2022 budget performance did not also meet projected receipts from FAAC.

23. Nevertheless, the aggregate performance of the budget on the revenue side stood at over 90% at the end of October 2022.

2022 Budget Implementation

24. Mr. Speaker, the 2022 budget is still being implemented as the fiscal year ends on 31st December 2022.

25. The revenues realised were deployed to finance the projected capital and recurrent expenditures, including general administration, salaries, pension and gratuities, and overheads for ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs) of the government on the expenditure side.

26. As of today, the government has implemented 100 per cent of its recurrent expenditures as we are up-to-date in paying salaries, pensions and overheads to MDAs. We have also spent over N2, 000,000,000.00 to gradually clear the arrears of gratuities accumulated over the years.

27. The 2022 capital expenditures also posted impressive performance relative to the fiscal year 2021.

28. We spent the capital receipts to fund infrastructural projects, including roads, bridges, and flyovers, and investments in human capital development, including education, healthcare and citizens’ security.

29. We also embarked on new projects in agriculture, the judiciary, rural development, constituency projects, special projects and empowerment.

30. We flagged off Elimgbu – Rumukwurushi flyover project and commissioned the following other projects in February 2022:

•Oro-Abali flyover;
•Ngbuoshimini-Nkpor road;
•Ahoada – Ekpena road
•Ahoada – Ihugbogo-Odiereke road;
•Orogbum crescent;
•12 Gunboats at NNS Pathfinder, Rumuolumeni;
•Eastern bypass dual carriageway;
•Community Secondary School, Omuanwa

31. We commissioned another set of projects in August 2022, including:

•Orochri-Worokwo flyover project
•Ogbum-Nu-Abali /Eastern bypass dualisedad
•5000 capacity NYSC Auditorium
•House of Assembly Quarters
•Government VIP lounge at Port Harcourt International Airport
•Remodeled Waterlines Building
•Land reclamation, shore protection, road network, drains, power station and water reticulation at Ogbum-Nu-Abali landfill area;
•Obama Secondary School, Harry’s town;
•Government Secondary School, Tombia
•Mbata House (old RivBank Building)
•Ahoada Campus of Rivers State University
•Etche Campus of Rivers State University, and
•Emohua Campus of Rivers State University

32. Still, we also flagged off the following projects in August 2022:

•Construction of flyover 11 at Ikwerre road, Ruuokwuta and Rumuola junctions
•Construction of flyover number 12 at Mgbuoba – Ozuoba and Ada George road junction
•Construction of Omagwa internal roads
•Construction of Igwuruta internal roads
•Construction of Eneka internal road, phase 1

33. Presently, we are commissioning new sets of completed projects: including:

•Dr. Peter Odili Cancer and Cardiovascular Diseases Diagnostic and Treatment Centre
•Dr. Nabo Graham Douglas Campus, Nigerian Law School, Port Harcourt
•Mgbutanwo internal roads
•Nkpolu-Oroworokwo flyover
•Rumuepirikom Flyover
•Rukpoku-Rumuapu-Izo-Ogbodo-Igwuruta link road
•Rukpakwulusi-Eliogbolo community new layout roads
•Mgbuosimini community ring/link road
•Akpabu-Egbeda-Elele-Omoku link road
•Rumuodogo 1 and Rumodogo 2 link road/drains
•Justice Mary Odili Judicial Institute
•House Officers (Junior Doctors) Quarters
•Federal Judicial Commission Liaison office;
•Police Intelligent Centre
•Basic Clinical Sciences Faculty Building
•Renal and Dialysis Centre at RSUTH
•Clinical Sciences Faculty Building

34. We have also concluded arrangements to flag off the construction of some new roads and other projects to close the infrastructure delivery festivals for the year 2022:

•Akpabu Ibridgehead-Odido link road
•Eneka roundabout-Igbo Etche road
•Nkpor-Mgbodahia link roads with spurs
•Elele internal roads
•Elekahia internal roads
•Dere-Kor-gbi link road
•Alode-Onne road
•Indorama-Agbonchia-Ogale-Ebubu-East-West road
•Obodhi-Ozochi road
•Rumuigbo internal roads
•Eneka internal roads phase 2
•Alode internal roads
•Odiemudie road
•Ogbo-Ihugbodo road
•Abua-Iyak-Igbom-Elok-Emoh/Egbolom access road
•Ekagho-Ogboloma-Adada link road
•Sandfilling/Reclamation at Ogu

Funding of ongoing road and other projects

35. Funds were also released from the 2022 budget to fund the following ongoing projects:

•Bori – Kono dual carriage road,
•Rumuji-Ibaa-Obele-Osiokpo road;
•Mbiama – Okarki road;
•Oyigbo – Obete road; East-West -Ahoada – Omoku dual carriageway;
•Egbema – Omoku road,
•Aligwu-Kreigani-Oduoboburu road; Okomoko – Okehi – Okpokpo road;
•Ogu–Ekporo-Kporgor-Wakama link road;
•Trans-Kalabari road, phase 1
•Chokocho – Igbodo road;
•Azikiwe – Ilaobuchi dual carriageway; and
•Landfilling of Abonnema/Obonnoma, Okrika, and Kula communities; and
•The new Magistrates Court complex

Basic Education projects

36. As usual, the State’s Universal Basic Education Board delivered the renovation and furnishing of several primary and junior secondary schools across the State for the fiscal year 2022.

Secondary School Development projects

37. Funds were released for the completion of the following secondary schools before the end of this year:

•Community Secondary School, Kugbo,
•Kalabari National College, Buguma,
•Bonny National Grammar School, Bonny,
•Government Secondary School, Abua,
•Government Comprehensive Secondary School, Borikiri,
•Enitonia High School, Port Harcourt,
•Vocational Craft Centre, Abonnema; and
•Marywood Girls High School, Buguma.

Tertiary education

38. We completed the three new campuses of Rivers State University and released funds for the University to employ both academic and non-academic staff.

39. We provided funds for the renovation of the Ndele Campus of the Ignatius University of Education and released funds for the employment of academic and non-academic staff.

40. We have approved and set aside funds for Captain Elechi Amadi Polytechnic to employ new academic and non-academic staff.

41. We also built the Basic Clinical Sciences and Clinical Sciences faculty buildings of the Rivers State University College of Medical Sciences.

42. We released funds to complete the Rivers State University Nursing departmental buildings.

43. We also released funds to complete the 10,000-sitting capacity auditorium at the University of Port Harcourt.

Health projects

44. The delivery of healthcare infrastructure also received significant attention in 2022.

45. In addition to fully upgrading the Rivers State University Teaching Hospital, we have also delivered the Dr. Peter Odili Cancer and Cardiovascular Diseases Diagnostic and Treatment Centre and the Renal Dialysis Centre at RSU.

46. We have released funds for contractors to complete the reconstruction of the Prof. Kesley Harrison Specialist Hospital and the Dental and Maxillofacial hospital in Port Harcourt.

47. We have terminated the contracts for the five Zonal referral hospitals under construction at Ahoada, Bori, Degema, Okehi, and Omoku for undue delay.

48. These hospitals will soon be re-awarded to serious contractors to deliver to the State before we vacate office in 2023.

Judiciary projects

49. We completed the Hon. Justice Mary Odili Judicial Institute and the Federal Judicial Service Commission South-South Zonal office.

50. We also released funds to complete the new Magistrate’s complex, Port Harcourt.

Legal Education

51. We completed the Dr. Nabo Graham Douglas Campus of the Nigerian Law School, Port Harcourt and released funds to complete the twin hostels and the 1500-sitting capacity auditorium at the Yenagoa campus of the Nigerian Law School.

Other projects

52. We also completed the 1500-sitting capacity auditorium at the NYSC orientation camp, Nonwa.

53. Mr Speaker and Hon. Members, we are happy with the performance of the 2022 budget and the numerous projects it delivered in the different sectors.

54. The transformation we have witnessed in the last twelve months has provided an impetus for greater optimism about the State’s future. We are therefore going into the 2023 fiscal year on the back of the success of the 2022 budget.

The economic outlook for Rivers State for 2023

55. The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank predicted that Nigeria’s economic growth would be about 3% in 2023.

56. President Mohammadu Buhari affirmed this prediction during his 2023 national budget presentation with a crude oil price benchmark of $70 per barrel.

57. With dwindling national revenues occasioned by low oil production rates, galloping inflation, foreign exchange crisis and burgeoning debt profile due to unsustainable deficit financing, most experts believe that Nigeria will experience a troubling economic outlook in 2023.

58. There is no way Rivers State will not be negatively impacted if this becomes a reality since receipts from the FAAC still forms over 70% of the State’s revenue profile.

59. However, our strength as a leading oil-producing State has been significant. We have always leveraged derivation funds to stabilise the economy and finance recurrent and capital expenditures.

60. We, therefore, hope that nothing much will change from the national economic outlook to drastically affect our capacity to keep our heads above troubling waters throughout the 2023 fiscal year.

61. Above all, we have always applied appropriate fiscal measures to prevent the headwinds from upsetting our growth and revenue projections.

62. We are, therefore, confident to make the projection that our domestic economy will grow by 5% in 2023, provided there is sustainable price stability in the oil and forex markets and inflation is reduced to a single digit.

The focus of the fiscal year 2023 Budget

63. The fiscal year 2023 budget is targeted at delivering economic growth, additional infrastructure and prosperity for citizens.

64. While no new projects may be awarded, except where such is considered very significant, we shall galvanise efforts and resources to complete all ongoing projects so that the new government can start on a clean slate, unencumbered.

65. We will make adequate provisions on all aspects of our priorities, including law, order, security and justice; sustainable physical infrastructure, including roads, bridges and jetties; and human capital development, including education, healthcare, skill acquisition, business development, job creation, women and youth empowerment, agriculture and poverty reduction.

66. Accordingly, the central theme for the fiscal year budget 2023 is the Budget of Consolidation and Continuity.

67. This theme underpins our determination to expand what has been achieved and continue doing what we believe is best for driving sustainable economic growth, quality education, affordable healthcare, quality infrastructure and prosperity for our people.

Fiscal measures

68. In 2021 and 2022, we introduced several fiscal measures, including a moratorium on external borrowing to achieve economic growth, fiscal discipline and financial consolidation.

69. These measures have significantly blocked revenue leakages, improved our capacity for internal revenue generation and prevented unsustainable deficit financing.

70. We have, therefore, resolved to continue with the existing fiscal measures for the year 2023. This means that there would be no increase in tax rates. No new taxes will also be introduced.

71. However, we will continue to intensify our drive to significantly improve IGR by expanding opportunities for more investments, industrialization and efficient tax collection.

72. While we are yet to achieve the projected milestone, we will not relent in our determination to reduce the State’s dependence on statutory federal allocations to finance its budget and development.

73. We call on our sister States to join us in this struggle to secure the right to impose and collect VAT at the sub-national level.

74. Also, a new revenue-sharing formula that gives more significant revenues to the States is long overdue.

The key Assumptions of the 2023 Budget

75. The 2023 budget is constructed within the framework of the State’s Medium Term Expenditure Framework, the State’s Economic Strategy Paper, the national economic outlook and the State’s economic growth projections. It anchors on the following key assumptions:

•Crude oil price benchmark of $70 per barrel;
•National crude oil production estimates of 1.5 million barrels per day;
•Currency exchange rate of N435.57 to the Dollar;
•National Gross Domestic Product Growth Rate of between 3%;
•Inflation rate of 13.1%; and
•State economic growth projection of between 4.5 and 5%

Funding the 2023 Budget

76. The budget will be funded from the following customary sources:

•FAAC receipts
•13% Oil Mineral Derivation Fund
•Internally Generated Revenue
•Value-Added Taxes
•Federal Government’s bridging facility and refunds
•Commercial bank loans
•Sale of State Assets;
•Grants from international development agencies; and

Total Budget estimates for the fiscal year 2023

Mr. Speaker, and Honourable Members, we propose a budget of N550, 666,987,238.00 for the fiscal year 2023.

2023 the Recurrent Expenditure Estimates

We propose a Recurrent Expenditure of One N175,249,692,497 only, representing about 31% of the total budget for the 2023 fiscal year.
The sectorial distribution of the Recurrent Budget is as follows:

Detail of Expenditure

2023 Proposed Estimate (₦)

Salaries (Ministries/Departments/Parastatals)


New Recruitment


Consolidated Revenue Fund Charges


Sub-Total Personnel Cost


Overhead Cost



Grants, Contributions and Subsidies


Sub-Total Overhead

 Cost/Personnel/Grants, Contributions & Subsidies


Counterpart Fund Pension Scheme


Gratuities/Death Benefits


Monthly Pensions




Sub-Total Social Contribution and Social Benefit




COT/Charges/General Administration


Domestic Loans (Interest)


Foreign Loans (Interest)


Domestic Loan (Principal Repayment (2021))


Foreign Loan (Principal Repayment (2021)


FAAC Deductions (Others)


Total Recurrent Expenditure


80. The projected sum is adequate for our recurrent expenditures. We will be able to meet all our administrative obligations on salaries, pensions and gratuities for civil servants and overheads for the day-to-day operations of the government and MDAs.

The 2023 Capital Expenditure Estimates

81. We have projected the sum of ₦350,977,495,537.00 as Capital Expenditure for the fiscal year 2023.

82. This amount represents about 63.2% of the total budget and conforms to our practice of prioritising capital expenditures over recurrent.

83. The sectoral composition of the 2023 capital expenditure is as follows:


Proposed Estimate (₦)



Information and Communications Technology


Public Administration


Finance and Planning






Commerce and Investment


Culture and Tourism






Social Development


Environment and Sustainable Development




Total Capital Expenditure


84. Adequate capital expenditure is the fastest way to achieve the State’s development goals, and the 2023 capital budget is therefore justifiable.

85. Furthermore, we’ve had no difficulties implementing our capital expenditures, provided we meet the projected revenue targets.



86. The reality of today is that government must begin to give serious attention to the development of agriculture to advance food security, economic growth, industrialisation and job creation.

87. However, the development of agriculture is possible only when we begin to attract our young people into the sector. Accordingly, we will utilise the youth agricultural entrepreneurship development programme to attract and support interested youth to take farming as a business.

88. We also intend to revisit the ongoing effort to sell off or concession all government-owned agricultural lands to viable private investors for large-scale commercial farming.

89. Furthermore, we are building a modern abattoir and veterinary clinic to safeguard the quality of meat sold to the public and enhance livestock farming in the State.

90. We will also provide targeted incentives to farmers who demonstrate serious interest and commitment to agricultural production.

91. Accordingly, we have provided the sum N16, 000,000, 000.000 only in the 2023 capital budget estimates to fund the development of agriculture in the State.


92. As a developing State, the provision of foundational infrastructure is critical in our commitment to accelerate economic growth and improve the people’s living standards.

93. In 2022, we executed several infrastructural projects, including dual carriageways, arterial and internal roads and flyovers.

94. Similarly, the provision of transformative infrastructural projects and services is still the critical area of focus for the 2023 fiscal year.

95. Accordingly, the sum of N114,264,480,208 is provided in the 2023 capital budget estimate to fund the completion of all ongoing roads and other physical infrastructural projects awarded by our administration.

96. We have also provided the N20, 000,000,000.00 under the Ministry of Special Projects to fund infrastructure development in the State.

97. A further sum of N10, 000,000,000.00 has been provided under Special Projects for the desilting of canals for the year 2023.

Law, Order and Justice

98. The importance of law and justice to any society cannot be overemphasised. No society can develop without law, order and justice.

99. This is why we will continue to prioritize the advancement of law, order and justice by providing adequate funds to strengthen the institutions that promote, sustain and fulfil these social precepts in the lived circumstances of citizens.

100. As a government, we have done what is required of us to guarantee and strengthen the rule of law and the independence of our judiciary.

101. Over the years, we have intervened in the welfare of judges, including those of the federal courts operating in the State, with the provision of life-long accommodation and new official vehicles.

102. On Friday this week, we will commission the Justice Mary Odili Judicial Institute to provide regular training to enhance the capacity of our magistrates and judges to perform their jobs.

103. To further strengthen and sustain the remarkable progress already achieved, we have provided the sum of N4, 603,347,907.00 to fund the law, order and justice sub-sectors for the fiscal year 2023.

104. Out of this sum, the judiciary is allocated N2, 000,000,000.00 to further strengthen its growth and progress as the third arm of government.

Healthcare delivery

105. From inception, we have made access to qualitative and affordable healthcare one of the priorities of our government.

106. Over the years, we have channelled significant resources to fund healthcare delivery.

107. Undoubtedly, Rivers State now boasts significant numbers of healthcare infrastructure, some of which are comparable to what is available in developed countries.

108. The Rivers State University College of Medical Sciences, the Teaching, Hospital, the Mother and Child Hospital, the Doctors’ and House Offices Quarters, and the Dr. Peter Odili Cancer and Cardiovascular Diseases Diagnostic and Treatment Centre are some of our signature projects in quality healthcare delivery.

109. However, there is more to do to ensure adequate healthcare service delivery across the State. The effective administration and sustainable maintenance of these infrastructures are also essential.

110. Also, the five regional referral hospitals, the Kelsey Harrison Hospital, the Dental Maxillofacial hospital, and some of the general hospitals in the local government areas are yet to be completed.

111. We have, therefore, provided the sum of N29, 438,000,000.00 to fund healthcare provisions, including administration and maintenance services for the fiscal year 2023.

112. We have further provided N4, 000,000,000.00 under Special Projects to fund free medical care for nursing mothers and children for the fiscal year 2023.

113. The increased allocation to the health sector reflects the increasing funding requirements for quality healthcare delivery in the State.

Education delivery

114. Over the years, we have been committed to giving every child the transformative education they need in our public schools with significant budgetary allocations.

115. Our effort in this regard has resulted in the reconstruction and furnishing of several State-owned primary, secondary and tertiary institutions, so much so that we now have some of the best public schools with modern infrastructure in the country.

116. We have continued to implement our free primary and secondary education, including the payment of WAEC, NECO, and JAMB fees.

117. The corresponding impact of our educational investments is the impressive performance of Rivers State students in public examinations relative to the poor situation we inherited.

118. Furthermore, the four new campuses of Rivers State University have provided additional access to tertiary education to our children.

119. We also awarded the contract for the reconstruction of the following secondary schools:

•Government Secondary School, Emohua
•Government Secondary School, Eneka
•Government Secondary School, Okporo
•Government Secondary School, Alesa-Eleme

120. Although much has been achieved in the rehabilitation of public schools programme, we know that many more schools are in a bad state of disrepair. But since resources are limited, we can only take them in phases until all the public schools are back to standard and quality.

121. We, therefore, appeal to communities to be patient with us as every public school that deserves attention will eventually be taken care of.

122. However, we have provided over N39, 000,000,000.00 to fund the delivery of quality education for the fiscal year 2023.

123. We have also provided the sum of N5,000,000,00.00 under Special Projects to introduce and fund a free feeding programme for pupils in our primary schools to increase and sustain enrolments and reduce poverty.

Youth development and poverty reduction

124. As the future of our State, we owe our youth the obligation to invest and create opportunities for them to acquire the education and skills they need to pursue and realize their life aspirations.

125. We need to create jobs and support them to grow. We need to continually engage them in creative activities that can empower them to be the leaders of tomorrow in all fields of human endeavours. Youth empowerment is, therefore, an issue that is always so dear to my heart.

126. As usual, we have striven in this budget to address some of the primary issues affecting the development of the youth of Rivers State.

127. The provisions and allocations in our annual budgets to the Ministries of Education, Youth Development, Sports, and Employment Generation underscore the government’s commitment to continuously investing in human capital development, job creation and poverty reduction for the benefit of our youth.

128. The government’s massive investments in considerable infrastructure provision create jobs for our youth willing to work.

129. Many youths hold political offices as chairmen, vice chairmen, councillors, supervisors, members of the House of Assembly, Special Advisers and Commissioners.

130. A fortnight ago, we appointed over a hundred thousand youths as Special Assistants to the Governor on political unit matters.

131. In 2023 we will deploy greater efforts and resources to advance youth development and empowerment in Rivers State.

132. Accordingly, N6.3 billion has been allocated to the Ministries of Youth, Sports, and Employment Generation and Empowerment for youth development and empowerment programmes for the fiscal year 2023.

133. We have also provided N10,000,000,000.00 under the Ministry of Special Projects for youth empowerment and poverty reduction activities for 2023.

134. N1,500,000,000.00 has been allocated to the Rivers State Micro Finance Agency to support youth enterprises.

135. A total of N865,000.00 is also allocated to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism to develop tourism and advance the artistic talents of our youth.

Women empowerment

136. We recognise the importance of our women to the socio-economic development of the State and the need to support them to realise their potential. Our goal has always been to help our women to break down inherent barriers and achieve their life goals.

137. Consequently, we have continued implementing necessary policy measures to advance women’s social, economic and political empowerment.

138. We have expanded access to equal educational, economic and political opportunities as the cornerstone of our drive for greater gender equality and women empowerment in Rivers State.

139. In 2023 we provided N2,418,294,274.00 for the Ministry of Women Affairs to fund specific empowerment programmes for women.

140. The sum of N1,231,580,030.00 has also been earmarked for the Ministry of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation to advance the socio-economic rights of vulnerable women and children.

Citizens Security

141. Mr Speaker, it is important to reiterate our commitment to protecting lives and property throughout Rivers State.

142. Our duty in this regard is to support the security agencies to keep us safe and secure in homes, businesses and communities, which role we have played with a high sense of responsibility and commitment.

143. With much lower crime rates, Rivers State ranks as one of the safest states in the country. But because security is everything, we cannot watch idly by and allow insecurity to prevail again in the State.

144. Therefore, we will continue to cooperate and support the security agencies, including the special operations units, with the logistics they need to fight crime and ensure the continuous safety and security of lives and property in Rivers State.

145. To this end, we have allocated N30, 000,000,000.00 to fund security activities and ensure citizens’ sustainable safety and security for the 2023 fiscal year.


146. Mr. Speaker, from the beginning, our vision was to revive our economy, rebuild the infrastructure and advance the progress of our State.

147. We believed that the most intelligent choice before was to use our annual budgets to invest in transformative infrastructural projects to promote economic growth, achieve economic diversification and improve the well-being of our people.

148. We have made significant strides, achieved unprecedented results in all the priorities of our government and changed the trajectory of progress for the better.

149. I have been encouraged by the unity of purpose, togetherness and support from this House over the last seven and half years.

150. We have been on this journey to revive, rebuild and restore Rivers State, and the success belongs to all of us.

151. And we should all stand tall and proud to be the architects of the new Rivers Vision even as we give the glory to God Almighty for the privilege and opportunity to serve our people with conviction.

152. Although we are at the last lap of our tenure, the resolve to continue to advance our development and secure the future of the State remains solid.

153. Rivers State is a work in progress, and there’s always more to be done to achieve the State’s development aspirations fully.

154. We are therefore poised to use the 2023 budget to deliver more transformative infrastructure and other strategic projects and services and move our dear State closer to the point of self-sustainability.

155. Thank you, Mr Speaker, as I lay the 2022 budgetary proposal for Rivers State before this Honourable House for your consideration and approval.

156. Thank you once again, and God bless us all.

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