
O.B. Lulu-Briggs Foundation Awards Scholarships, Laptops To 59 Rivers Law School Students

The O.B. Lulu-Briggs Foundation has awarded scholarships to 59 law school students at the 15th annual Law School Students Scholarships Award ceremony held at the NBA House, Port Harcourt on Wednesday, May 22. 

The annual scholarships support and empower the next generation of legal professionals in Nigeria.

The award, which cuts across the 23 local government areas of Rivers State, saw each beneficiary smile home with cash gifts of N120 000 and a brand-new laptop computer.

This year’s ceremony coincided with the 94th birthday of the Foundation’s late grand benefactor, High Chief (Dr) O.B. Lulu-Briggs. 

The Chairman of the Foundation, Dr (Mrs) Seinye O.B. Lulu-Briggs, acknowledged her late husband’s great legacy in her welcome speech.

“He was the Foundation’s grand benefactor, and his generous support laid the basis for us to keep going. Please join me in a hearty round of applause in gratitude and memory to him and his large-heartedness,” she said

She also emphasized the importance of legal education in addressing socio-economic challenges in the Niger Delta region and promoting peace and development.

She reiterated the Foundation’s commitment to Nigeria’s development through education. She added that it was open to collaborations with governments, individuals, institutions, and corporations to advance its reach.

Dr. (Mrs.) Lulu-Briggs praised the scholarship recipients for their hard work, dedication, and passion for law. She noted that they have the potential to become champions of social, economic, and environmental justice in Nigeria.

The renowned philanthropist further said that the Foundation has a history of supporting legal education, having awarded scholarships to 931 law graduates from Rivers States’ 23 local government areas since 2009.

Dr Lulu-Briggs also said that the Foundation’s continued investment in the next generation of legal professionals affirms its dedication to shaping the future of Nigeria’s legal system and promoting a more just and equitable society for all.

Chairman of the occasion and Vice Chancellor of Rivers State University (RSU), Port Harcourt, Professor Nlerum Okogbule, represented by Professor Victor Akujuru, praised the O.B. Lulu-Briggs Foundation for its generosity and commitment to supporting academic pursuits and broader initiatives in healthcare, water, and sanitation.

In an engaging lecture titled “Navigating the Legal Landscape through the Lenses of an Academic,” the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Research, Innovation and Strategic Partnerships at the University of Ibadan, Professor Oluyemisi Adefunke Bamgbose, emphasized the crucial interplay between an academic and a legal practitioner.

The first female Professor of Law in Nigeria conferred with the Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN) rank highlighted the benefits of pursuing a dual role as a practicing lawyer and an academic in law.

She emphasized that engaging in legal practice while maintaining an academic mindset can equip students with a versatile skill set.

This combination allows them to navigate complex legal issues with analytical rigour, practical expertise, and a deep appreciation for the nuances of the law. This unique blend sets them apart as leaders in their field.

Furthermore, the lecturer noted that this unique expertise could open doors to prestigious opportunities, such as becoming a professor in a university or even attaining the distinguished rank of Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN) – the highest honour bestowed on legal practitioners in the country.

“These achievements not only elevate your standing but also allow you to shape the legal profession’s future, both from the ivory tower and the courtroom,” the lecturer remarked. The ceremony was attended by many dignitaries, including the Eze Ekpeye Logbo III of Ekpeyeland, His Imperial Majesty, Eze (Sir) Amb. Kelvin Ngozi Anugwo, His Royal Majesty Mene (Dr) Suanu T.Y.  Baridam Gbenemene Kasimene Bangha VII of Ogoniland, Venerable Amaechi C. Okwuosa, Former Chief Judge of Rivers State, Justice Lamenkaraxxxx, members Nyemoni Awo from Abonnema, Old Port Harcourt City Association of Friends, representatives of the International Federation of Women Lawyers, several legal luminaries and parents of the beneficiaries.

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