
Group Commends Gov Fubara For Bracing Up Against Detractors

The Rivers state governor, Sir Siminalayi Fubara has been commended for standing up against his detractors in attempt to control the state resources.

The commendation was made by a group of supporters under the aiges of SIMPLIFIED PROFESSIONAL WOMEN led by Dr Fatima Adamu in a chat with newsmen in Port Harcourt.

She said it is important the administration consolidate on its stand against its opponents by quickly constituting the probe panel to investigate the 8 year misrule the state by the last administration.

Dr Adamu who is also a member of the SUPREME COUNCIL FOR SIM urged the governor to continue the way he is ruling the state with people-oriented policies that attract commendation and support to his administration.

She confirmed that governor Fubara’s peaceful disposition is the magic wand that has even earned him global accolades, assuring him of support and mobilization for his second tenure.

She stated that the governor’s ability to wriggle out of the grip of his godfather is a victory for Rivers people, adding that the discovery and declaration of additional IGR is enough evidence to showcase the governor’s sense of transparency and accountability and should be encouraged for him to do more.

The SIMPLIFIED PROFESSIONAL WOMEN used the opportunity to assure the governor of their readiness to sensitize and mobilize their members on door-to-door campaigns to change their perception in the interest of the state. On the Economic and Investment Summit recently launched by the administration, the group described it as the highest of all Fubara’s policies as it will not only industrialize the state but will equally provide employment to the teeming unemployed youths. They advised the administration to further consolidate on human capital development and skills acquisition programnes even as they appreciate the governor for reopening the Rivers Transport Company which was closed down by the past government despite the negative effect it had on the staff and their dependants.

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