
Prioritizing God’s Work In Governance, David Omereji’s Example

It is very rare these days to find people in government giving so much attention to the work of God.

But to Chief David Omereji, the Biblical injunction, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and its righteousness and all other things shall be added unto you is apt.

For him, the kingdom of God is paramount which underscores his unrelenting commitment and unwavering devotion to the works of God.

A committed member of the Salvation Ministry, Chief David Omereji has demonstrated his undiluted Faith and Belief in God through exemplary conduct.

His Chairmanship of Council not withstanding, David Omereji did not only participate alongside other people of God in the pre rallying event heralding the just concluded 5 day Glory Reign of the Salvation Ministries but actively participated in the program. In the build up to the event, David Omereji was seen in the streets of Port Harcourt among other men of God distributing flyers and hand bills,  announcing the coming of the 5 day program.

He dedicated his life to preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ in almost every where he found himself.

Drawing inspiration from the Biblical injunctions ; Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding: in all your ways submit to Him, and he will make your path straight. Proverb 3;5.

Behold He who watches over Israel will never sleep nor slumber, Psalm 121:4, the Executive Chairman of Emohua LGA, before commencing the day’s activities in his office, devotes  hours to a prayer and worship session seeking God’s guidance and direction in the discharge of his duties, realizing that seeking God’s guidance in all aspects of life leads to better decision-making.

Chief Omereji is optimistic that with God leading and guiding him he cannot falter in the governance of Emohua people.

 As a philanthropist whose passion for helping humanity is unshakable, Chief Omereji has on several occasions exhibited this by assisting many to establish themselves,  assisting them to build their own homes and empowering women and youths to engage in ¹productive  ventures.

To Hon David Omereji, it is only God that deserves out thankfulness not human beings. That explains why he usually told beneficiaries of his empowerment packages to go and tell God Thank You, not me as an individual as God used me to reach out to you.

And he is happy extending hands of fellowship to the needy.

To him lifting the people out of poverty and hardship has become part of his life.

Thank you Chief David Omereji the true God’s servant, for allowing God to use you to impact the lives of ordinary people. Paul Deeyah is the SSA (Communications and Publicity) to Emolga Chairman.

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