Eckankar Celebrates Harji Dinner
It was all joy and excitement on Saturday, October 6, as members of Eckankar took time out to celebrate their 2018 Harji Dinner in Port Harcourt.
Friends and well wishers were not left out in the orgy of ‘Spiritual Freedom’, which clearly moved everyone off their feet with the sonorous renditions of gospel songs by the creative arts performers.
Daubry Powei, the banner Coordinator, in his welcome address, said Harji Dinner was a special occasion where members of Eckankar express their love and gratitude to the Mahanta, the Living Eck Master, Sri, Harold Klemp.
He said that it was one of the most important events in Eckankar, where the members of Eckankar invite their friends and families to come together to rejoice over a meal.
Also speaking, Ifeatu John Arch, the Regional Eck Spiritual Aide (RESA), Nigeria, averred that the dinner was called Harji Dinner because the nick name of the spiritual leader of Eckankar, Sri Harold Klemp, the Mahanta, the living Eck Master, is Harji.
He made it clear that in Eckankar, they appreciate every religion because they are of the idea that every religion comes from the heart of God but other religions cannot take people far because no spiritual leader has gone to the heart of God and come back, except the Mahanta, the Living Eck Master, saying he is God personified.
His words: “If you cannot see God, feel God, touch God, look at the image of God, simply looking at the image of the Mahanta, the living Eck Master, the Sri Harold Klemp, you have seen God. I am not talking about faith or belief, it is what you are going to experience by yourself for you to become an authority”.
He noted that people perform miracle, which he described as simple magic and that in Eckankar, they don’t perform miracle because they are the living moving miracle.
Explaining further, he said that souls exist because God loves it, as such when one recognizes itself as a soul, he then has the freedom, power and love, which he said are some of the advantages of being an Erkist.
Emmanuel Ukala also said that the event was simple but heavily loaded with spirituality, saying it is a way to walk across from the boarders of social celebration to that of spiritual celebration.