
Group Calls For Inclusion In Budget Process On Nutrition

… Trains CSOs On Advocacy And Budget tracking

A Non- Governmental Organization, Civil Society Scaling Up Nutrition in Nigeria (SC-SUNN) has called on Government at all levels to include Civil societies working on Nutrition in the budget process on Nutrition.

This being part of the communique issued at the end of a 4 – day capacity building workshop of Civil Society – Scaling Up Nutrition in Nigeria (CS-SUNN) on advocacy and budget tracking.

The participants at the workshop resolved that there is an urgent need for the approval of the State Policy on Food and Nutrition and domesticated State Strategic Plan of Action  for Nutrition in the state.

They further called on MDAs at the State and Local Government levels to create budget lines for implementing Nutrition Programs in the State.

Speaking to National Network, the Senior Monitoring and Evaluation Officer of CS-SUNN, Jayne Arinze  Ezemonye informed that the organization is worried that there is no state policy on Nutrition and stressed the need for other civil societies working on Nutrition to embark on advocacy so as to attract Government attention towards the nutritional needs of the state.

She also stressed the need for adequate funding for nutrition as well as quality implemetation of the budgetary provisions with regards to Nutrition so as to address the gaps as seen in the 2018 Nigerian Nutrition Health survey which according to showed stunted children and anemic mothers as a result of malnutrition.

She regretted that there is no policy on Nutrition being implemented in the state for people living with HIV/AIDS, communicable diseases, the vulnerable age like pregnant women,women of reproductive age and children under five years of age.

Calling for increased funding on Nutrition, the State coordinator,Mr Buduzhi Gift Oguzor hinted that CS-SUNN was formed to partner with the Government to advocate for budgetary provision for Nutrition and Policy implementation that will enhance Nutrition outcomes of the people of the State especially the vulnerable groups.

He also urged all civil societies working on Nutrition to embark on advocacies that would ensure ensure that budget estimates on Nutrition is effectively implemented.

Meanwhile CS-SUNN has elected the following to pilot it’s affairs in the Rivers State,Mr Buduzhi Gift Oguzor -State Coordinator,Mrs Obiageli Azogu- Deputy State Coordinator, Mr Ogbobuike Isaac Ewo- Secretary, Mrs Ngozi Ohaechesi-Treasurer and Mr Kiipopeye Mark-PRO

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