
Barrister Tamuno Bemoans Low Investment On Youth

A prominent lawyer, Barrister Golden Tamuno, has deplored the low investment on youth in the country saying that investment on youth is below par.

Speaking in an interview over International Youth Skills Day, the practising lawyer said there was no strong youth development policy in Nigeria.

Tamuno, who is Port-Harcourt based, said that although youths were leaders of tomorrow investment by government for their development was poor.

He said efforts made by government to develop the youth did not show governments at state and federal level were serious about developing the youth.

He said that there was no job for both skilled and unskilled youth saying that no atmosphere was created for youths to engage themselves even when they may not be employed.

Barrister Tamuno said: “Investment on youth is below par in this part of the world. We keep talking about youths being the leaders of tomorrow but if we crosscheck our policies and budgetary allocations as regards to youths development, you can’t put it side by side by the intention to put our youths off the street. It is not just being unskilled youths even the skilled ones are not employed”.

He said the International Youth Skills Day was merely celebrated to mark a ”coloration” of what was believed to be acceptable worldwide.

He also said that skilled youth needed good environment to use their talents and appealed to state and federal governments to do much more to develop the youth.

Barrister Tamuno said there should be more investment by government and strong policies to develop the youth.

He however advised youths to properly use opportunities they may have and develop themselves saying they should be true to themselves over the need to be developed.

He also called for redirection of values saying values have drastically changed as youths pursue craze to make money.

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