
PCRC Elekahia Police Division Presents Car Gift To Outgoing D.P.O. Gameliel

The Police Community Relations Committee (PCRC) Elekahia Police Division has scored another first in the State. During their 2020 end-of-year party, the Committee presented a car gift to the outgoing Divisional Police Officer, CSP Gameliel Alex Balanku, who they noted has shown exceptional dexterity on his job which they say added in no small way to the peace being enjoyed in the area.

Speaking at the event, the Chairman, PCRC Elekahia, Elder Chief Emmanuel Obi said they are proud to be associated with the Police Officer whom they say was exceptionally humane and professional in the discharge of his duties. He used the opportunity to list out some of the achievements recorded by his committee under the supervision of the departing D.P.O, and appealed to the incoming D.P.O. Desmond Obe to emulate the good character and attitude of his predecessor in the interest of all.

Responding, the incoming D.P.O. CSP Desmond Obe thanked the PCRC, saying that indeed the Police cannot achieve much without the collaboration of the Committee, and prayed that the same cooperation given to his colleagues whom he described as his friend, course mate and brother is extended to him.

Mr. Gamaliel Alex thanked everybody who contributed to his success story including his Officers and men of the division and urged them not to relent. He said the car gift is actually three of that kind since his sojourn at the station six months ago. It could be recalled that when the posting was announced, not a few persons including the youth groups were against it and actually made some moves to revert the posting but couldn’t as it was with immediate effect.

The two Officers actually swapped positions from Okuzu Police Division of Omoku in Onelga to Elekahia Police Division, Port-Harcourt. Among those who witnessed the event were the Station Officer, SP. Ahmed Habib and DCO (1) SP Udoh, Deputy State Secretary of the PCRC Elder Osuamkpe and Chief Basil Okoye.


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