
Bible Society Urges Ogonis To Support Khana Language Bible Review

The people of Ogoni in Gokana, Khana and Tai Local Governments in Rivers State have been called upon to join forces with the Bible Society of Nigeria to review their Language Bible.

They have also beeen called to close rank and pull their resources and energy to make the Khana Language Bible Review a reality.

Elder Omoni Ayo- Tamuno, Chairman of the Bible Society of Nigeria, Rivers/Bayelsa Area made the call last Sunday at the Methodist Church of Nigeria Diocese of Bori, Wesley Cathedral, Bori, while addressing the Church to mark the 2022 Bible Week Celebration.

According to Elder Ayo-Tamuno, the Society had hand over the Script of the Khana Language Bible to leaders of Ogoni to read and make necessary corrections and regretted that this had not been completed.

He said ” all Denominational Heads in Ogoni Land should as a matter of necessity meet and constitute a Review Committee to commence work.”

The Chairman said ” the BSN as the most Active and Respected Bible Society in Africa is ready to offer technical assistant to the successful completion of the review, adding that the Khana language Bible is the oldest language Bible in Rivers State”.

He said that the cooperation of churches in Ogoni land with the Society had not been encouraging and called on the Methodist Church of Nigeria to champion the cause to review the Khana Language Bible.

Elder Ayo-Tamuno stated “that the Society is messenger to the Church to translate and make the Written Word of God to all people irrespective of their physical status and is to translate the Bible to various Nigerian languages with a view to allowing access to the Word of God at all times”.

In his response, the Cathedral Administrator, the Very Revd Barine John acknowledged the vital role of the BSN in the Church of Christ and assured that the Church would do everything humanly possible to support the Society to succeed.

The Very Revd John noted that the Society had indeed made appreciable impact among the Christian Society with its programmes and activities in the area of Bible Distribution and translations.

Highlight of the occasion was presentation of News Testament Bibles and other literatures of the society including membership form.


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