
Obuah Commiserates With Flood Victims, Donates Cash, Foodstuffs

The current flooding in Orashi Region of Rivers State has rendered tens of thousands of residents homeless, and forced them into IDP camps. The nightmarish scenario has made life unbearable for the victims as food and other basic necessities have gone out of reach.

However, the little efforts of the Rivers State government and some public spirited individuals and organizations in ameliorating the sufferings of victims must be commended.

But worthy of note, is the contributions of former Chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and renowned philanthropist, Bro. Felix Amaechi Obuah who has literally relocated to his homestead at Orashi region, just to be close and on daily basis, provide succor to the flood victims.

Go-Round and Mba Anabara Agu of Orashi region has traversed both official and unofficial IDP camps, donating cash and foodstuffs to the flood victims. He also ministered the gospel of hope to them.  “There will be sunshine after the storm.  There would be light at the end of the tunnel”, he tells the victims wherever he went.

When information got to him that the several members of his church, the Church of God (7th Day) in the Orashi region have been displaced and suffering severe starvation because of the flood, Bro. Obuah was as usual moved with compassion.

From Ahoada West, Ahoada East to Abua/Odual and Ogba/Egbema/Ndoni local Government Areas, the flood victims gathered on Saturday, October 30, 2022 at the Ikiri Road, Omoku branch of the COG (7TH Day) where cash and food items were lavishly donated.

Items donated by the Mba Anabara Agu of Orashi region include 400 bags of garri produced from Krisdera Farms, Omoku; 300 bags of rice; 400 cartons of Indomie noodles, and N2m cash to the victims at the Ikiri Road branch of the church. Bro. Obuah also promised to visit all the local branch churches after the flood.

Receiving the items on behalf of the church, General Overseer of COG7, Rivers Conference, Pastor Isirimah commended Bro. Obuah for his kind gestures towards the church and humanity, and urged the church to pray fervently for him.

In an interview with the Go-Round TV crew at the event, Bro. Obuah said he felt pains seeing the pains on the faces of the flood victims, adding that he is also a victim of the ravaging flood.

He vowed to remain hope for the hopeless and help for the helpless.  His words: “I felt bad with the conditions I saw in those affected by the flood, and that’s why I pleaded for government and individual support for the victims”.

Speaking philosophically, Bro. Obuah said: “You know that if the community cooks for one man, he won’t be able to finish the food.  But if one man cooks for the community, it won’t be enough”.

Saying he does not have all the money in the world, Bro. Obuah he appealed to the leadership of the church to ensure that the palliatives went round the victims.

His words, “I may not have it all, but I have passion for humanity. We will always remember the living and not the dead.  These people are still alive and so, I must care for them. 

“I think this is the highest flood I have ever witnessed. It affected my hotel, homes and school. I want to tell you that the same way it came is the same way it will go.  Homes will be restored, nobody should give up.

“To some of you, it will be for your breakthrough.  It’s a natural disaster that affected many states across the country.  Today, it is gradually receding.  Be prayerful and grateful to God Almighty for keeping us alive because so may have lost their lives in this flood”.

Bro. Obuah said he would also reach out to other flood victims, as he handed an envelope containing undisclosed sum of money to the leadership of Obrikom community led by the Chairman of Obrikom CDC, Comrade Oburu Moses Ikechukwu.

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