Pastor Stresses Importance Of Grace In Life Of Christians

The senior Pastor of Mount Tabor Ministry, Eliozu, Victor Akinwale has stressed the importance of Grace in the life of Christians, saying it is the grace of God that sustains man on earth.
Pastor Akinawale stated this in an interview with our reporter during the church’s 2023 harvest tagged: “Harvest of Overflowing Grace” on Sunday December 3, at the Church auditorium, Eliozu.
Stressing that the harvest was to thank God for sparing their lives from January to December, the Pastor proceeded to personify grace, making it the sustainer of man on earth.
Hear Pastor Akinwale: “What can sustain a man is grace. Grace is a maker of man on earth. Nobody achieves anything without grace.
Nobody gets to the top without the grace of God. When the special grace of God is upon a man, he prospers.
Whatever he lays his hands proper. It was grace that made Apostle Paul. It was the grace of God that made David. David was just a shepherd boy, a boy in the wilderness, but grace made him to become a King,” stressing that when the grace of God was in a man there is nothing he cannot achieve.
Pastor Akinwale who says his church is a prophetic ministry committed to prayer and holiness and given the great commission to preach the gospel, opined that the world is gradually coming to an end amid perilous happenings as predicted in the Bible, but expressed confidence that those who endure till the end will be saved and would wear the crowns of glory as Jesus Christ stated.
He however, advised Christians to be focused and be rooted in Christ and not be swayed by things of the world, but by what Christ said, in order not to be devoured by the lions of this world.
According to him, lions were everywhere looking for who to devour, but stressed that Christ having come from the tribe of the Lion of Judea, if we were rooted in him, it would no longer be possible for the lions of this world to devour us.
The spirit- filled minister of God had heralded the harvest proper with reading from various portions of the Bible, including Psalm 92, 103 and 124 all of which stressed the need to give thanks to God who would in return bless a thankful heart.
With the prayer rendered, the fruit/seed baskets were subsequently brought into the church and members enthusiastically picked one seed from each of them and pledged their widow’s mite.
Wonderful testimonies of God’s goodness and drama presentations highlighting the importance of thanksgiving to God by members of the church added glamour to the harvest.