
Obuah Takes Over As New AMMC Boss

...Pledges To Take Council To Greater Heightss

Newly appointed Coordinator, Abuja Metropolitan Management Council (AMMC), Bro. Felix Obuah has assumed office with a charge on staff and management team to be dedicated to their duties.

In his inaugural address at AMMC headquarters on Monday, to the management team of the Abuja Metropolitan Management Council (AMMC), Bro. Obuah wasted no time in setting the tone for his tenure, making it clear that he expects nothing less than wholehearted dedication from every member of the Council.

“I stand before you today not just as an individual, but as part of a team committed to shaping the future of our nation’s capital,” declared Obuah, adding, “Together, we will work tirelessly to ensure that Abuja realizes its potential as a modern, world-class city.”

Asserting his belief in collaborative leadership, Obuah stressed the importance of cooperation among staff members.

“I am a firm believer in teamwork. And to achieve our goals, we must unite our efforts and work towards a common vision of progress and excellence.”

Highlighting his extensive administrative experience, Obuah assured the team of his capability to lead effectively. He noted that throughout his career, he has dedicated himself to the principles of good governance and service delivery, reassuring that he will spare not effort in steering the Council to greater heights.

However, Obuah issued a stern warning against divisive behavior within the Council.

He said: “Let it be known that gossip, religious or ethnic biases have no place in our organization. We are here to serve the people of Abuja, and any form of discrimination or negativity will not be tolerated.”

In a bid to foster an inclusive working environment, Obuah pledged to keep the lines of communication open. According to him, “My door is always open to hear your suggestions and ideas. Each and every one of you plays a vital role in our mission, and your contributions will be valued and respected.”

In closing, Bro. Obuah reiterated his commitment to upholding the mandate of the Council.

“We have a duty to the citizens of Abuja, and we must discharge it with utmost diligence and integrity. Together, we will embark on this journey towards a brighter future for our capital city.”

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