
Rivers Ijaw Leaders Condemn Disrespect Towards Gov Fubara, Kinsmen

A group of Ijaw leaders and elders under the aegis of Rivers Ijaw People’s Forum (RIPF) says

A coalition of Ijaw leaders and elders, under the banner of Rivers Ijaw People’s Forum (RIPF), has said it would not sit idly by and watch it’s respected sons and daughters, including Governor Siminialayi Fubara insulted and embarrassed by fellow Ijaws in the state.

Addressing the press at Hotel Presidential, Port Harcourt on Friday, the group emphasized its refusal to tolerate such conduct, urging fellow Ijaws to resist becoming pawns manipulated by what they termed as “enemies of Rivers State.”

Convenend by Chief David Briggs, Dr. Tamunisisi Gogo-Jaja, Chief Ann Kio Briggs, and Fred Alex, the assembly included notable figures such as Dr. Tammy Danagogo, Rep Inombek-Awaji Abiante, Chief Mrs. Toru Ofili, Chief Sara Igbe, and the Executive Chairman of Bonny Local Government Area, Hon (Mrs) Barasua Wilcox.

Prominent activist, Chief Ankio Briggs,, conveyed the group’s stance, highlighting concerns over clandestine meetings orchestrated by certain individuals, purportedly at the behest of external influences, aimed at undermining the integrity of regional leaders who have shown solidarity with Governor Fubara.

The forum reaffirmed its unwavering support for Governor Fubara, citing their endorsement in the 2019 and 2023 elections, and disavowed any association with actions intended to demean him or other respected figures like Chief Pa E.K. Clark and Dr. Goodluck Jonathan.

Furthermore, the group reiterated its commitment to non-ethnic divisiveness, rebuffing attempts to exploit Ijaw identity for political gain and commending Governor Fubara’s leadership in navigating the complex landscape of Rivers State politics.

In closing, the forum expressed gratitude to the diverse communities of Rivers State, including indigenous and non-indigenous populations, for their steadfast backing of Governor Fubara, and pledged continued support from all Ijaw groups, both within and outside the state.

They called upon all well-meaning citizens to unite in prayer and support for the governor’s continued success.

Echoing the sentiments of RIPF, Chief Atamuno Atamuno, emphasizes that the ongoing challenges in Rivers State are rooted in constitutional issues, not ethnic or religious strife.

He asserted the Ijaws’ commitment to upholding constitutional democracy and warns against any attempt to inject ethnic politics into the discourse.

The forum, he declares, stands firm in its resolve to resist any individual or group that seeks to undermine the democratic process, emphasizing their reliance on legal mechanisms and constitutional protections.

Chief Atamuno Atamuno underscored the unwavering support of the Rivers Ijaw for Governor Siminaly Fubara, likening it to their backing of previous administrations in the state since 1999.

Highlighting the composition of the Rivers Ijaw Peoples Forum as a socio-political entity representing chiefs, elders, women, and youths across the 12 Ijaw-speaking local government areas, Chief Atamuno Atamuno clarifies the group’s pivotal role in shaping political landscapes.

He recalled their pivotal involvement in the emergence of Governor Nyesom Wike under the leadership of His Excellency, Dr. Goodluck Jonathan, during the 2015 governorship election, underscoring their historical and ongoing contributions to Rivers State politics.

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