
Gunmen Kill One In EMOLGA

Gunmen suspected to be cultists last Saturday night were said to have shot dead one Sampson at Omuobizi clan in Ibaa community, Emohua Local Government Area.

Community sources informed our reporter that the gunmen numbering about four stormed a drinking bar where the deceased was having good time and dragged him out before shooting him dead.

The source explained that the incident resulted to pandemonium as passersby and other customers at the drinking bar as at the time of the incident scampered for safety.

Last week some youth and women in community protested over incessant killing by gunmen calling on the Police, Rivers State Government and relevant security agencies to arrest the situation of insecurity in the community.

The spokesperson for the Rivers State Police command, SP Grace Iringe Koko was yet to respond to text messages sent by our reporter on the incident.


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