
Dissociation From Purported Ogoni General Assembly

Our attention has been drawn to the convocation of an unauthorised General Assembly of Ogoni People by HRM Samuel Nnee who also claims to be the Coordinator of the Supreme Council of Traditional Rulers of Ogoni. 

We wish to state for the umpteenth time and for record purposes, that following the passing of His Majesty King GNK Gininwa, the late President of the Supreme Council of Ogoni Traditional Rulers, His Majesty King Paago Bagia who was the then Deputy President to the late HRM GNK Gininwa, assumed leadership of the Council in Acting Capacity pending the conduct of a proper elections. 

It is in this regard that I, His Majesty King Paago Bagia, Gberemene Gokana and now Acting President, along with other kings including HRM King Phillip Osaro Obele Oneh Eh of Eleme kingdom and His Imperial Majesty King Dr. Suanu Baridam Gbenemene of Ancient Bangha kingdom, wish to address the purported call by His Majesty Samuel Nnee for a meeting of Ogoni people on Saturday, May 25th, 2024 in Bori.

It is important to clarify that the Supreme Council of Ogoni Traditional Rulers did not authorize any member to participate in a meeting regarding the oil resumption in Ogoniland nor call for any Ogoni Assembly. HRM Samuel Nnee does not hold the position of President of the Supreme Council of Ogoni Traditional Rulers, and the Council has no knowledge of such a meeting. 

In recognition of the above, we wish to completely dissociate ourselves and the Supreme Council of Ogoni Traditional Rulers from the unauthorised meeting being convened by His Majesty Nnee. As the Acting President of the Supreme Council of Ogoni Traditional Rulers, His Majesty Bagia did not and has not approved the call for any meeting, hence, we call on all Ogoni sons and daughters not to honour the purported meeting. It is purely driven by a selfish agenda inimical to the growth, development and survival of the Ogoni people. 

Whilst we acknowledge and support the issue of resumption of economic activities in our land, we stress that this has to be based on a broad-based discussion that encapsulates legacy issues and best practices in the industry and will be carried out in collaboration with all stakeholders. 

We assure that in the not-too-distant time, the Supreme Council of Ogoni Traditional Rulers, ìn collaboration with other relevant stakeholders, will organize a meeting of the Ogoni people to address vital issues affecting our nationality including oil production.


HM King Festus Babari Paago Bagia JP, Amb.p

Natural Ruler and GBEREMENE Gokana kingdom

Erebamene Erebagia

Gberesaakoo XIII

Gberemene Gokhana

Acting President of Supreme Council of Ogoni Traditional Rulers. Chairman Gokana Area council of traditional rulers 

HM King Philip Osaro Obele JP Oneh Eh Eleme (King of Eleme) kingdom.

Chairman Eleme Area Council of traditional rulers.

HM King Dr. Suanu T. Y. Baridam JP, Amb.p, MNIM, FCSI

Gbenemene & Kasimene Ancient Bangha kingdom VIII

Paramount Ruler of LUUMENE Bangha. Chairman Khana Area council of traditional rulers. 

For the Supreme Council of Traditional Rulers of Ogoni.


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