Encomiums As Coker Family Mark 20th Anniversary Of Late Baby Furo Coker

It was a memorable event Friday, November 17th 2023 as members of Coker family, friends and sympathizers turned out in their numbers to celebrate the 20th memorial of late Dr. Mrs. Baby Furo Coker, wife of Sir Jimmy Nath Coker.
Delivering the sermon during the memorial thanksgiving service organised in honour of late Mrs. Dr. Baby Furo Coker held at Wesley Methodist Church, Harbour Road, Port Harcourt, Rev. Innocent Saro Nginwii stressed the need for every Christian to have trust in God and continue to keep His Commandments, knowing full well that God hardly abandons those who put their trust in Him.
“In fact, everyone on earth today has a purpose for which he or she was created, it therefore, behoves on us to live a good life because the time of judgement will come when we will be called before God to give account of what we have done on earth.
“And I can emphatically state here that it is our level of work either good or bad that will determine where we will go, so, let us not do things because others are doing it.”
The husband of late Dr. Mrs Baby Furo Coker, Sir Jimmy Nath Coker, in a separate interview at the side line of the event, noted that “when you had a youthful marriage partner who impacted you positively, it is obvious that you are bound to remember her, most importantly, when both of you have children together who are doing very well in life.
The sorrowful looking Jimmy Coker, however, maintained that the family of Coker will continue to thank God for keeping them alive and equally remembering late Baby Coker, because of her track records.
“Though Baby Furo Coker passed on 20 years ago, my consolation stems from the fact that “we are all mortals created by God and must surely leave the world one day to meet our Creator.
In his remarks, the eldest of the Coker family, Mr. Emmanuel Alfred Coker was quick to describe late Dr. Furo Coker as not only a philanthropist, open minded fellow but also an accomplished woman who was very caring and known for her impactfulness. He prayed God to continue to grant her gentle soul eternal rest.
Also expressing his feelings shortly after the thanksgiving church service, the last born of late Dr. Mrs Baby Furo Coker, Mr. James Tonye Coker did not mince words in describing her mother as the biggest hero ever in his life.
He, assured they will not stop remembering their late mother, given her good track records worthy of emulation and other legacies she left behind.
“I make bold to say that my good conduct today was made possible by my late mother. She brought me up in an orderly way and manner to serve humanity and I will not forget her in a hurry.
“I pray that people should always embrace peace and also honour their fathers and mothers, so that their days on earth will be long.
He prayed God to continue to grant his beloved late mother eternal rest.
High point of the event was the empowerment with cash awards by the family of Coker to some indigent youths in support of their school fees.