
Rivers Political Heavyweights Queue Behind Gov. Fubara

An intimidating array of powerful political figures in Rivers State who had hitherto been watching from the sidelines amid the political crisis in the state, have now come together in support of Governor Sim Fubara.

The list includes, Dr. Peter Odili, a former governor of the State and the godfather of all godfathers, Retired Justice Mary Odili, Peter Odili’s wife who recently retired from the pinnacle of the temple of Justice, the Supreme Court.

Others are Sir Celestine Omehia, former governor, who unfortunately was stripped of that position by the Minister of the FCT Nyesom Wike when he was governor, Dr. Abiye Sekibo, former Secretary to Rivers State Government and a one- time Federal Minister who is well respected politically not only in Rivers State, but all over Nigeria, Hon. Austin Opara, former Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Hon. Lee Maeba, former Senator and a host of others.

These political bigwigs are united in their belief that Rivers State must move forward, and not held down by one man, which was the reason they now coalesce around Governor Fubara to give him the necessary supports required to work and build Rivers State for the progress and development of its citizens.

Odili’s entrance into the Rivers political fray is disconcerting to former Governor Wike, now FCT Minister.

Already, the minister has released some verbal missiles against him and other Fubara’s supporters.

First, he blurted out that he built a hospital and named it after Peter Odili. He was apparently referring to the “Dr. Peter Odili Cancer Cardiovascular Diagnostic and Treatment Center” which he built with Rivers resources for treatment of cancer related diseases. By voicing it out, he was probably calling Odili an ingrate for not appreciating that “great gesture’.

He had also described Odili, Celestine Omehia and other PDP Leaders in Rivers State as “expired politicians.”

Although, Celestine Omehia had replied the Minister, advising him to purge himself of greed for power and allow Governor Fubara to concentrate on governance, Wike is still allegedly very bitter, considering the diatribe he has been spewing out of late.

The Minister’s anger against Odili is understandable. Odili is a political dynamo, whose weight and influence in the affairs of the state is second to none.

It was Odili who built the political structure with which both, Amaechi, Wike and other PDP leaders in the State, including some APC leaders rode to power and attained political limelight.

Odili’s name is synonymous with Rivers State politics, which was the reason that despite that he left office for a long time, his name has continued to ring bells as far as politics is concerned in the State.

Any group, or individual he aligned with in a political battle is bound to triumph.

And he had said he is not for political war, but for political peace of Rivers State, calling on all those involved in the feud to sheathe their swords for peace to reign in the State.

He was reported to have advised Wike not to go ahead with his alleged planned impeachment of Governor Fubara, but should rather work with him in his efforts to make Rivers State great.

He had also reportedly warned against the dangers of one man dictating what should be done in the State.

Retired Justice Mary Odili is another big fish the net of Governor Fubara’s support has caught.

Mary Odili’s influence in the Judiciary is pervasive. She has what it takes to influence the Judiciary not only in the State, but in Nigeria.

Working in collaboration with her husband Dr. Peter Odilii in support of Governor Fubara, the political equation in the state is bound to tilt in favour of Fubara administration.

This not to say that Wike’s supporters who abound in GDI and in some Rivers Communities with their sprinkle of chiefs, would sit by and allow Wike’s political structure to collapse easily.

They would put up a great fight to defend their benefactor, until they meet a brick wall as a result of Odili’s impregnable fortress.

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