Inter-Tribal Marriage: Antidote To Ethnic Conflicts, Says Chief Akubuo

A prominent traditional leader in Imo State, Chief Simeon Agubuo of Umuduru Nnerim Ndugba in Isu Local Government Area has posited that Inter-tribal marriages should be encouraged among the Nigerian citizens as according to him “the development allows for peaceful environment and foster unity as it will easily erode the negative perception the two family background have had against one another for the overall unity of the country”.
He further explained that if more people are allowed to marry from other tribes, it means more peaceful environment where, one will not be judged or discriminated against due to one’s ethnic background.
The community leader made this known over the weekend in Port Harcourt during the wedding ceremony of his first son, Bro Michael Chinwendu Agubuo and his heartthrob, Miss Hope Chioma Orlukwu from Omofo Rundele in Emohua LGA of Rivers State.
He wished the couple a blissful married life. He advised them to emulate his own marriage which he pointed out is founded on love, trust and Christ as the head.
The marriage which was contracted at the palatial auditorium of the Provincial Headquarters of the Eternal Sacred Order of the Cherubim & Seraphim Church (ESOCS) Diobu, Port Harcourt witnessed many dignitaries from home and abroad.
Delivering the sermon at the church service, the REO provincial chairman of the Church, Senior Apostle Uche Udonwo emphasized that marriage was instituted by God Himself for companionship and procreation purposes and must be enjoyed if one follows the instructions of God.
“For this cause shall a man/woman leave his/her parents and cleave unto another” (Ephesians 5:3), he declared.
The man of God advised the couple to ensure that they respect their marriage vows and admit only God as a third party in the Union if they must succeed.
He made it clear that once the woman acknowledges that the man is the head of the family and submit to his authority, they will be peace, love, unity and progress in the home.
Apostle Udonwo explained further that once a man searches and locates his missing rib, that would be the beginning of the accomplishment of his purpose in life. To become the true person God intends him to be.
The preacher used the opportunity to pray for the couple, wishing them long life, good health with the fruit of womb and other inherit blessings.
The bridegroom, Bro Michael Agubuo expressed gratitude to God for making his day a success.
He also confirmed that inter-tribal marriage is the best thing that can happen to Nigerians because according to him with the help of technology it is easy for citizens to learn more about each other’s cultural background to make informed decision and as well reduced unnecessary conflicts and promote peace and unity.
The chairman of the occasion at the reception party, Chief Boniface Obinna Nwoha in his remarks advised the couple to be determined to make the marriage work, adding that marriage is meant to be enjoyed and not endured.
He used the opportunity to gave out some tips for a successful marriage to includes love, trust and openness to each other.
He also added that a wife must not be a liability in the home but must engage in a meaningful venture as to contribute in the upkeep of the house.